Anywhere Mobility Portal Documentation

Configure Anywhere Portal


After installation of the Anywhere portal the settings to setup a succesful connection to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tenant

Setup overview

The setup overview shows the settings specific for connecting to an Azure hosted environment See here for a full overview of all Portal settings.

Setting name Setting type Observations
CliendID Guid Can be found on your azure app setup page
ClientSecret Text Can be generated on your azure app setup page. Save this key at a secure location
RedirectURI Uri The URI that the portal gets redirected to, once the login, using client id and client secret is succesful
AuthorityURI Uri The authority that generates an oAuth token for you, it has the following structure$TenantID|
AuthenticationType Option: AzUser or AzDelegate or AzApp - AzUser: The token retrieval is done on the user session
- AzDelegate: The token is retrieved at the server side, should be done by the team manager once per day
- AzApp: The token is retrieved using service to service authentication, supported by Business Central from version 18.4.
EnvironmentName Text The environment name to which you want your portal to connect to
Tenant Guid The tenant id where your environment is present, needs to be a valid guid
RPNURL Uri The RPNURL is the fallback URI for Authentication calls when the api url is different than
ApiBaseUrl Uri The api base URI.<environmentname>/api/
WebserviceURL Uri The base soap url:

AzApp mode is the preferred mode as this does not require user interaction. See more in Anywhere Portal Authorization Flows.


Installation Steps

Register the Anywhere Portal App Grant Access from Dynamics 365 Business Central Anywhere Portal Azure Setup