Installation of STAEDEAN add-ons

The installation scripts on these page are provided by STAEDEAN "as is". Windows PowerShell is an object oriented shell and scripting language for Windows for which STAEDEAN does not deliver any services or support

Types of installation (on-premises and cloud)

The difference between the installation of a horizontal - and a vertical product is in replacing the Microsoft Base Application. Horizontal products have been developed as extensions and do not modify Base Application objects. The initialize PowerShell scripts on the resp. pages are designed to install the apps in the correct sequence based on the dependencies of the app.

As of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central 2019 Wave 2 a continuous update scenario is followed also for on-premises installations. STAEDEAN adds hotfix builds to the Microsoft Cumulative Updates being published monthly. The update PowerShell scripts on the resp. pages publish and install the new versions and when successful un-install and un-publish the previous versions. When required upgrade functions will convert data as explained in the Release Notes. Since the version codes as well as the upgrade functions are included in the script it is important to follow the monthly update cadence.

Type Platform Product type Product Link to page
Initial On-premises Horizontal BIS Initialize BIS
ANY Initialize ANY
PE Initialize PE
QM Install QM on-premises
Vertical IEM Initialize IEM
FOOD Initialize FOOD
JMS Install JMS on-premisses
Cloud Horizontal BIS/ANY Initialize BIS/ANY Cloud
QM Initialize QM Cloud
Vertical JMS-AJM Initialize JMS-AJM Cloud
Update On-premises Horizontal BIS Update BIS
ANY Update ANY
PE Update PE
Vertical IEM Update IEM

Docker installations

Docker installations are relevant for developers and, pre-sales, demo environments. These installations however, require access to the Microsoft Docker Hub to retrieve the latest Business Central image. The PowerShell NAVHelper module contains a specific set of functions to handle Docker container based installations. On request STAEDEAN can provide sample scripts for this type of installation.
For STAEDEAN Food and Docker see bottom of page Initialize FOOD

Upgrading from C/AL to AL

This document lists some comments (Notes) that we received from partners that went through this upgrade process.

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