Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

Anywhere Portal Settings


The following table describes the different application settings available in the Anywhere portal.

Settings overview

Setting name Area (Cloud/On Premise) Purpose
ApiBaseURL Both The endpoint of the api of Business Central
AuthenticationType Both Defines how the portal authenticates with the Business Central webservice
AuthorityURI Cloud URL where authorisation token is requested
ClientID Cloud The ID of the app registration the Azure tenant
ClientSecret Cloud Used with the ClientID to authenticate as an Azure App
Company Both Links the portal to 1 company in the tenant
ConcurrentUsersExceeded Both The message returned when no more users can log in
DataUploadErrorMsg Both The message returned when an upload of files/pictures exceeds the maximum size
Debug Both When enabled, error messages show more detailed information
enableAPI Both Switches the communication channel between Soap and API(odata), default false (Soap)
EnableCookies Both Enables cookies to save the current selected company in the company dropdown on the login page
EnvironmentName Cloud The environment that the portal connects to (Production/Sandbox)
ErrorOnTop Both Determines where the error is displayed when an error occurs before or after the first control (default false)
FirstColumnWidth Both The width of the first column on grids when no fields are present
GridButtonsImageFolder Both Obsolete
InfiniteScrolling Both Switch between pages or one continous list
InitialRetries Both How many attempts the portal takes to connect to the webservice
LicenseFile Both The local path to the license file
LoggingEnabled Both Creates a log containing all communication between BC and the Portal
MediaFolder Both The local path where mediafiles are stored, both static and dynamic
MetaTagName1 Both MobileOptimised
MetaTagValue1 Both 320, default width of a window
MetaTagName2 Both Viewport
MetaTagValue2 Both Used for scaling on high resolution screens
MetaTagName3 Both For Apple Devices
MetaTagValue3 Both Set capability
PreAuthenticate On Premise To pre-authenticate the user to the webservice
RedirectURI Cloud Setup in the Azure App Registration, should point to this website
RPNURL Cloud Fallback when the RPNurl doesn't match the webservice URL
SessionTimeOut Both This will determine when a user will have to log in again (default 20 minutes
StyleSheet Both The stylesheet applied to the portal
Tenant Both The (Azure) tenant
UseIcons Both Use of Icon font instead of images
WebServiceUrl Both The SOAP url from the Business Central Service
WebServiceDomain On Premise Webservice User credentials
WebServicePassword On Premise Webservice User credentials
WebServiceUserName On Premise Webservice User credentials

Setting details

Api Base URL

The API base URL is the endpoint where the Portal will try to retrieve the license from. API's work with the OData protocol, and require that OData is enabled on the server.

See Microsoft Learn for more info.

For Cloud environments, the Api Base URL will usually be<environmentname>/api/

For On Premise the api base url will usually be: http://localhost:4048/BC/api

http://<ServerName>:<OData Port No>/<Service>/api

See Microsoft Learn for details on endpoint structures.

Authentication Type

The values available for this setting are the following: |Value|Comment |--|--| |OnPrem|Connects to an onpremise environment, the default value. |AzApp|Connects to an Azure environment via an app registration with clientID/Secret |AzDelegate*|Deprecated, uses the credentials from an admin to delegate permissions. |AZUser*|Deprecated, requires users to login first on Azure, then they get access to the portal, requiring them to login with their mobile user account.

The authentication type determines if the portal connects to a Business Central environment with local/domain users or via Azure Authentication methods.

If configured incorrectly, an error may occur that suggest that AZApplication is a valid setting, this is however a known issue.


Default value: false
The portal communicates via SOAP with Business Central except for the license. When enabled, all communication will go through the API channel. This has a minor performance increase, and will handle all errors. The Soap channel would only handle some errors.


Default value: ''
When empty and connected to an environment with multiple companies. A dropdown will appear in the login screen to allow company selection. When this setting is filled out, it will disappear and users can only log in to 1 company.

License File

The license file key has the initial value of


To accomodate the new license model (see License Update), the Portal will use the folder to retrieve the license file. From the 1st of October 2023, only .tilicense files will be valid.


Default value: 20 (minutes)
Determines how long a session remains active in the users browser before they have to log in again. This requires cookies to be enabled. The session remains indefinitely active in the Anywhere Framework until the user logs out.