Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

Anywhere Portal Authorization Flows


There are two main authorization flows that can be used with the cloud version of Business Central.

  • Client Credentials Flow, represented by the AzApp option.
  • Authorization Code Flow, represented by the AzUser and AzDelegate options.

These flows are part of OAuth.

Client Credentials Flow

In client credentials flow, the following steps are needed by the portal to successfully contact BC in an authenticated manner.

# Actor Step
1 User Accesses the portal.
2 Portal Checks if a valid token exists in the session. If it exists, steps 3 to 5 are skipped.
3 Portal If no valid token exists or the existing token is expired, the portal sends a request to the Authority for a new access token using the client id and client secret.
4 Authority Sends back an access token.
5 Portal Stores the retrieved access token in the session.
6 Portal Uses the stored access token to send authenticated requests to Business Central.
7 User Uses the portal which is now connected successfully to Business Central.

Client Credentials Flow (AzApp mode) is the preferred mode as this does not require user interaction.

Authorization Code Flow

In authorization code flow, the following steps are needed by the portal to successfully contact BC in an authenticated manner.

# Actor Step
1 User Accesses the portal.
2 Portal Checks if a valid token exists in the session. If it exists, steps 3 to 8 are skipped.
3 Portal If no valid token exists or the existing token is expired, the user is redirected to the Authority URI, asking for an authorization code.
4 User Logs in to their Microsoft Account if not already logged in.
5 User Authorizes the app if not already authorized.
6 Authority Redirects the user back to the URL defined as the RedirectURI, with an authorization code.
7 Portal Sends a server side request to the Authority to get an access (Bearer) token using the received authorization code.
8 Portal Stores the retrieved access token in the session.
9 Portal Uses the stored access token to send authenticated requests to Business Central.
10 User Uses the portal which is now connected successfully to Business Central.