Business Integration Solutions Documentation


In Business Integration Solutions, use the RECORDGENERATOR activity to write records into Microsoft Dynamics BC.


Use this activity to convert an XML document into Microsoft Dynamics BC records.


An import pipeline reads data from an external system and through various pipeline elements translates the data into a more readable XML document. Based on an internal document definition, the Record Generator fetches the data from the XML document and writes it into Microsoft Dynamics BC.

Make sure that the external data being written into the Microsoft Dynamics BC have the same data type as in the internal table structure. When the file contains data from another data type, the record generator will give an error.

XML input ➡️ [Record Generator] ➡️ [Microsoft Dynamics BC365]

Setup Page


  • Document No.: The recordgenerator will generate the records based on the internal document's table settings and defined relations (with link to internal document page)

  • Transaction log: when the transaction log is enabled, all the generated records are logged in the message transaction log. (with link to transaction log/message log page)

  • Design Button: this button opens the internal document in design mode

To See
Manipulate records with Custom Connectors Setup
Manipulate records with Record Handlers Setup

How To: Setup RECORDGENERATOR Activity

Use the RECORDGENERATOR to generate records into Microsoft Dynamics BC.