Business Integration Solutions Documentation Documentation

How to: Setup Internal Document

Use this task when you want to define a document to describe BC data, to be mapped on an external document.

To setup internal document:

  1. Go to the documents list page. For:
  • Connectivity Studio click Departments/Business Integration Solutions/Connectivity Studio/Design/Documents.
  • Notification Management click Departments/Business Integration Solutions/Notification Management/Design/Documents.
  • Replictaion Management click
    • Departments/Business Integration Solutions/Replication Management/Publications/Design/Documents for publictaions.
    • Departments/Business Integration Solutions/Replication Management/Subscriptions/Design/Documents for subscriptions.
  • EDI Studio click Departments/Business Integration Solutions/EDI Studio/Design/Documents.
  1. Click New.
  2. Select type as Internal and provide document number and description.
  3. Click Design button to open the setup page.
  4. Click Add Table and Add Fields action to add tables and fields respectively, to define an internal document structure. > You can also configure table and field properties.

A new internal document structure is now created and added to the document list page.


From this list page, you can go into more details about a document by using its design page. An internal document line can either be linked to a table or a field within a table.

Table Properties


Property Purpose
Link to Table Definies to which table the node is linked to, works in relation with property "Link Fields". This applies to a nested document structure
Link Fields Specifies the relation that applies to this node and it's parent table node
Sorting Sort the records during generation with a different key
Use a Temporary Table Generate from or import to a temporary table
Mandatory Specifies if the node must be present at all times in the generated document
Relation Type Specifies the processing sequence of the current table. It has two possible options: if you choose "Reference", the current table is processed prior to updating the linked table; if you choose "Composition", the current table is updated after processing the linked table.
Found Action Action to take when the record is found
Not Found Action Action to take when the record is not found
Template Specifies a record used as initial values on all fields, from the linked datasource table
Record Handler Specifies the interface handling the table triggers for the current line.
Table Filter Specifies a filter that will be applied on the table before records are read
Connector Name Temporary table custom connector name

Link to Table, Link Fields and Relation Type properties work in combination with the Record Generator Activity

Field Properties


Property Purpose
Data Type Specifies the node's data type
Mandatory Specifies if the node's occurance is mandatory
Value Type Determines the field value based on the specified option, and works in relation with the "Value" field: "Assign a Number Series", "Increase with a fixed step value" or "Apply a Default Value"
Value Specifies the value related to the value type
Skip Validation Specifies if the field value should be validated
Assign before Triggers Assign the value to the field before the validation trigger is called with the same value
Wrap CDATA Wrap the value in CDATA tags