Business Integration Solutions Documentaion

This is the On Premise version to overrule triggers during record generation. Please refer to Record Handler for the main version.

Custom Connector

A Custom Connector enables customizations for a specific table of an internal document.
A custom connector can be used to implement specific functionality for a table of an internal document. The generic document processor (as provided by the Record Generator activity) executes a certain processing workflow. This flow has been provided with a number of triggers. The concept is almost the same as the concept of C/AL triggers of the standard application. You can use one of these triggers to include custom actions before or after a record is processed or to override the behavior of the standard insert / modify / delete triggers. The following triggers are supported:

ID Name Description
1 OnBeforeProcessRecord This trigger can be used to execute functions or to manipulate field values before the record is validated and updated. An example is a General Journal Line which needs to be provided with a special Document No. In this trigger, the field values are set but not yet validated.
2 OnInsertRecord This trigger can be used to override the Insert trigger of a record. NAVBIS will run the OnInsert trigger of a record by default.
Attention: Be careful with adding this trigger to your connector codeunit because it overrides the standard insert trigger. The record will not be inserted if this trigger does not perform an explicit INSERT statement.
3 OnModifyRecord This trigger can be used to override the Modify trigger of a record. NAVBIS will run the OnModify trigger of a record by default.
Attention: Be careful with adding this trigger to your connector codeunit because it overrides the standard modify trigger. The record will not be inserted if this trigger does not perform an explicit MODIFY statement.
4 OnDeleteRecord This trigger can be used to override the Delete trigger of a record. NAVBIS will run the OnDelete trigger of a record by default.
Attention: Be careful with adding this trigger to your connector codeunit because it overrides the standard delete trigger. The record will not be inserted if this trigger does not perform an explicit DELETE statement.
5 OnAfterProcessRecord This trigger is executed after validating the record and updating the database. It can be used to update related tables or to run additional functions.

When the Custom Connector codeunit is entered, the system will notify you with the list of triggers that are registered (as you can see in top of the below screenshot).

Custom Connector

Note: Custom Connector also supports codeunits in the extension (BC13 and above, On-Premise). However to achieve this, you need to group all the codeunits which are being used by BIS in a single app with the "ShowMyCode" set to "True" in the app settings (app.json). So that, BIS can read the codeunits and the functions in that codeunits.

For C/AL Custom connectors are subscribed via the function ID in C/AL, in AL the function names are leading