Product Engineering - Quality Management

How To : Use the Create Incident Action

The Create Incident action has been designed to support ad-hoc incidents (non-conformities).
The default type for an Incident is Material, besides that also the following types are used:

  • Man
  • Machine
  • Method

These types, together with the information from the selected document, can be used as a starting point for a problem solving analysis like the 8D methodology.

The Create Incident action has been added to the following pages:

Type Domain Document
Material Assembly Posted Assembly Order
Assembly order Lines
Production Simulated Production Order Lines
Planned Production Order List
Firm Planned Production Order Lines
Released Production Order Lines
Finished Production Order Lines
Sales Posted Sales Invoice Lines
Posted Credit Memo Lines
Posted Sales Shipment Lines
Posted Return Receipt Lines
Purchasing Posted Purchase Invoice Lines
Posted Purchase Credit Memo Lines
Posted Purchase Receipt Lines
Posted Return Shipment Lines
Service Posted Service Credit Memo Lines
Posted Service Invoice Lines
Posted Service Shipment Lines
Service Contract Lines
Warehouse Inventory Movement
Posted Inventory Put-Away
Posted Warehouse Receipt Lines
Posted Item Tracking Lines
Registered Inventory Movement Lines
Registered Put-Away Lines
Registered Movement Lines
Warehouse Movement Lines
Warehouse Put-Away Lines
Warehouse Receipt Lines
Warehouse Shipment Lines
Man Employee List
Resource List
Machine Machine Center List
Work Center List
Method Routing List

With the Create Incident action you create an Incident from the selected document.
When the incident finds a measurement template also the measurement is created, if not found a template can be selected in the incident after which the measurement can be created manually.
The Create Incident action will also check if, for the selected document, Incident(s) are already created. In that case the Incident Entry will be highlighted in red .

The Create Incidentaction can be completed by the user with the following information:

  • Incident Quantity : Type the quantity if items involved in the incident.
  • Incident Reason Code : Select from the Incident Reason codes table.
  • Comments : A checkmark appears when comments are found in the Comments Table.

Note: that the description of the Reason code is automatically added as a first line in the Comments.

Incident Entry

The created incident can be found in the "Incident Entries". The Incident Entry will show if a Measurement was found and created in the No. of Measurements field. If not found a Measurement Template can be selected manually, see Link Measurements

Note: Use the cues in the Quality Manager role center to track the incidents.

See also

Quality Management