Product Engineering - Quality Management

Show the status of the Measurement

When a measurement template was automatically linked to an incident entry the Incident Template Link page will show the status of that link:

Field Description
Measurement Template Code Shows the code that was selected for the Incident Entry. The drill-down will list all, Certified, measurement templates for the table no. mentioned in the incident entry
Job Queue Status When the setting Post with Job Queue in Quality Management Setup is true this field will show the status of the Job Queue handling this post.
Measurement No. This field will show the number of the measurement created from the Measurement Template for the Incident Entry.

When an incident is created from the Create Incident Wizard while the setting "Automatic Create Measurement" is false you can manually link a measurement template to the incident to create a Measurement.
Or you can create additional Measurements for the Incident Entry when required.

  1. On the Incident Entries page click Actions
  2. In the Actions menu locate Incident Template Link to open the Incident Template Link page
  3. In the Incident Template Link page drill-down on the Measurement Template Code field to select a Measurement Template.
  4. When linked, close the Incident Template Link page to return to the Incident Entries page. In the Actions menu locate Create Measurement and click to create the measurement.


  • The drill-down will show all the measurement templates with the same table no. as the incident entry.
  • When creating the measurement in step 4 the status of the incident entry will change and the incident entry will be listed under the Incidents Measured cue

See also

Incident Entries
Measurement Template