Product Engineering - Quality Management

How To : Setup a Measurement Template

With Measurement Templates you specify how an item is inspected by setting additional fields that are captured through a Measurement Connection, the sample method as well as the sampling size and the question set.
The measurement template determines how a measurement is created when triggered from an Incident. In the Incident the measurement template is retrieved from the item measurement template.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon (Alt+Q)
  2. Type Measurement Templates in the search box
  3. A template requires the following fields to be completed:
Field Description
General fast-tab
Code Specify the measurement template code.
Description Specify the measurement description code.
Table No. Specify the source table for this template. For more information refer to How To : Create an Incident Mapping
Inspection Type Select one of 4 options:
Blank = do nothing;
Auto pass = only capture additional data in user defined fields;
Paper = complete a checksheet;
Inspect = inspect a sample with a checksheet
Sample Method The sample method has 5 options:
Blank = no sample
Fixed = A fixed quantity (sample factor), independent of the received quantity
Percentage = A percentage (sample factor), of the received quantity
AQL = Acceptable quality level method to be set in the inspection level and quality level fields.
Zero Defects = A variation of the AQL method with smaller sample sizes allowing 0 defects
Sample Factor This field will only be editable when the sample method Fixed or Percentage is selected. Use this field to respectively set a fixed quantity or a percentage of the transaction.
Inspection Level (AQL) This field will only be editable when the sample method AQL or ZeroDefects is selected. Use this field to specify the inspection level for the AQL method.
AQL: I, II, III, S1, S2, S3, S4
Zero Defects: I, II, III, S3, S4
Quality Level (AQL) This field will only be editable when the sample method AQL or ZeroDefects is selected. Use this field to specify the quality level for the AQL method.
AQL: 1; 1,5; 2,5; 4; 6,5
Zero Defects: 1; 1,5; 2,5; 4; 6,5
Question Set Specify the question set. The questions set sets the questions and answers for the check sheet.
Check sheet Creation Use this field to specify the check sheet creation. The check sheet creation field determines if how a check sheet is created:
Blank = For the complete quantity received
Per Lot/Serial No. = The check sheet is created per lot no. or per serial no., the sample method is also applied per lot
Per Serial No. = One check sheet for all serial numbers will be created with the serial number included in the sample number.
First Lot/Serial Approval When checked the user will be prompted, after clicking Complete, with the question: "Do you want to Apply same test results to remaining Lots/Serials in this shipment". When confirmed the results of the current check sheet will be copied to the remaining check sheets in the same measurement.
Default Due Date Formula The time allowed to complete a check sheet (overrides the setting in the Quality Management Setup).
Recurring check sheet When checked the user will be prompted, after clicking complete, with the question: "Do you want to Create next Check Sheet". When confirmed a next check sheet (re-test) will be created to be completed by the user.
Log Interaction An Interaction Log Entry is created with the description "Incident Creation for item ..". This means that per customer/vendor contact a history record is created recording the incident.
Print Check sheet The check sheet is printed on the default printer.
Status The measurement template has 4 possible status codes:
New = initial status when a new template is created
Under Development = the measurement template is being edited
Certified = the measurement template is in use and locked for editing, when setting the status a number of validations are done to check the template setup
Closed = the measurement template is no longer in use and closed.
Conditions If necessary you can set an additional condition on the table selected in the template. For example on a production order you can select the "Status" field and specify "3" to filter on Released production orders only.
Field Select a field in the Field Name column, the Field Caption is retrieved from the table
Default Value Specify the value for the condition
User Defined Fields The incident captures the source fields from the specified table
UDF 1..10 Select the fields that you want to capture in addition to the source fields like document no. date, etc.
Rating Check sheet rating is calculated as a weighted average based on a weight value per question and a score value per answer.
From Set the From values in the columns Good, Average or Bad.
To Set the To values in the columns Good, Average or Bad.

See also


How To : Create an Incident Mapping
Design Detail : Check Sheet Rating
Design Detail : Serial and Lot number blocking
Quality Management