IEM - Advanced Job Management

Job Invoicing

IEM supports four Invoicing Methods which are specified in templates with the option to add a schedule when invoicing is done in stages.

  1. Time & Material
  2. Fixed Price
  3. Deliverables
  4. No Invoicing

The Invoicing Method as well as the Customer for the whole job is specified on the job header. You can specify an alternative method and customer for each Job Task. This supports the use of a mix of invoicing methods and customers for the job, for example when you need to invoice extra work independent from an agreed fixed price.

In IEM the Contract Line is the starting point for invoicing. Contract Lines are created as follows:

  • For Time and Material jobs from a usage posting either from the planning lines or through the Job Journal.
  • For Fixed Price jobs with the initialization function in the Contract Lines window.
  • For the Deliverables method by posting the Planning Line with application type Deliver.
  • In the No Invoicing method no contract lines are created.
To See
Learn about Time and Material invoicing. Time and Material
Learn about Fixed Price invoicing. Fixed Price
Learn about Delivery based invoicing. Delivery
Learn about No Invoicing. No Invoice
Learn about Job Invoicing Currencies Invoicing Currencies

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