How To: Use Delivery Based Invoicing

This invoicing method is used when the moment of invoicing is linked to making actual deliveries made from a Job.

A delivery from the Job is created by setting the Application Type in the Job Item Planning Line to Deliver. When posting such a Job Item Planning Line a Posted Job Delivery is created as well as a Job Billable Line from which the Sales Invoice is created.

Notes: In this scenario the Job is replacing the sales order to disconnect the posting of costs from the posting of revenue. The scenario typically follows these steps:

  1. A sales quote is created with the sold item and its pricing. The item usually needs to be configured, assembled or installed to customer specifications
  2. From the Make Order action in the sales quote a Job is created by selecting a specific template (the template must be linked to an Invoicing Template with the invoicing method "Deliverable".
  3. The Sales Quote is archived. The details of the Sales Quote line(s) is/are copied to the Job Item Planning line(s) of the first Job Task, the Application type of these Job Item Planning Line(s) is Deliver.
  4. The Job is now replacing the Sales Order
  5. When the Job Item Planning lines are complete they can be posted to create a Posted Job Delivery. The posted job delivery is used to support the shipping process and does not have a financial impact. When shipping from locations with Warehouse settings the Inventory Pick or Warehouse Shipment are used to support the shipping process optionally combined with Transport and Deliveries.
  6. Posting the Sales Order will create the Sales Invoice from the details in the Job Item Planning line. Posting the Sales Invoice will create a Job Ledger entry of the type Sales in the Job

See also

How To: Deliver Material

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