Business Integration Solutions

2024 Wave 1 releases

This page lists the releases made for the 2024 Wave 1 Major Version of the BIS technical layer as well as Connectivity Studio, Notification Management, Replication Management and EDI Sudio. Below are links to the individual release notes per version. Please note that inside the release notes references are made to other parts of our online help content such as What's New.

For ease of use and reference we have decided to keep all release-documentation for the former BIS-Suite together in one document.

Release On Premise Cloud
September 2024 24.0.105144.0 20.0.105141.0
August 2024 24.0.103935.0 20.0.104395.0
July 2024 24.0.102760.0 20.0.102865.0
June 2024 24.0.101572.0 20.0.101571.0
May 2024 24.0.100732.0 20.0.100736.0


September 2024

Product Version Platform
BIS 24.0.105144.0 On Premise

New features in September 2024

Feature Area
Matchstart policy JSONtoXML Translator
Parse Data option XMLGenerator

Bugs fixed in September 2024

ID Description Case ID
195653 JSONtoXML translator could not handle external document with "document" root node
197086 Parsing errors could occur when data contains double quotes CS00234072

Known issues in September 2024

ID Description Case ID
201173 XML-Minifier ignoring "values only" on splitted internal documents

August 2024

Product Version Platform
BIS 24.0.103935.0 On Premise

New features in August 2024

Feature Area
AzureFilewriter now locks file during upload AZFilewriter
STAEDEAN rebrand, new publisher STAEDEAN and updated names for our apps General
TI-BIS is now known as BIS-Business Integration Solutions Business Integration Solutions
TI-Connectivity Studio is now known as BIS-Connectivity studio Connectivity Studio
TI-EDI Studio is now known as BIS-EDI Studio EDI Studio
TI-Notification Management is now known as BIS-Notification Management Notification Management
TI-Replication Management is now known as BIS-Replication Management Replication Management
Anywhere Mobility Studio is now known as BIS-Anywhere Mobility Studio Anywhere Mobility Studio

Bugs fixed in August 2024

ID Description Case ID
197597 Queuelockhandler is now enabled by default. See Known issue 171540
196708 Reset messages weren't rescheduled CS00233768
196161 Expression evaluation could freeze client on booleans CS00233872

July 2024

Product Version Platform
BIS 24.0.102760.0 On Premise

New features in July 2024

Feature Area
Added support for different encodings in queue and elements AZFilewriter,XMLtoJson translator

Bugs fixed in July 2024

ID Description Case ID
190935 Table field expressions now supports record sets next to the record id CS00233056
194187 Recordchanges could be missed when monitored by multiple documents
194643 Renaming a record when an alternative key is applied now works CS00233688
195667 Splitter could not differentiate between nodes with the same name
193652 Messages could be manually started while in error state to "scheduled for posting" CS00233506
194500 Encodings when exporting to CSV are reinstated CS00233698
195985 EDI Studio: webservice call was made via obsolete function

June 2024

Product Version Platform
BIS 24.0.101572.0 On Premise

New features in June 2024

Feature Area
New JsonToXml Translator skip node policy available JsonToXml Translator

Bugs fixed in June 2024

ID Description Case ID
187948 Job queue category is not getting imported
191491 expression containing a field() instead of Field() as an argument (e.g. base64) errors out with "interface not initialized"
188630 SQL Reader not applying all filters CS00232962

May 2024

Product Version Platform
BIS 24.0.100732.0 On Premise

New features in May 2024

Feature Area
Emailwriter setup import and configuration checks EmailWriter

Bugs fixed in May 2024

ID Description Case ID
188150 Conditions page: re-enabled add reference action CS00232759
188294 xml-minifier api not working on OnPremise
188764 JSONtoXML Translator: not all invalid characters get replaced CS00232944
188869 Message Editor could not link with emailwriter CS00232996
189744 Message Editor runs into a transaction error CS00233079
189866 Initialising the changelog would only monitor 1 BIS table.
188850 Emailwriter setup was not company specific
188851 Importing configurations without documents creates an empty document relation
188276 Headermapper setup not company specific CS00232914
187979 Record Change set to process changes separately, created messages for child records CS00232364