STAEDEAN Business Central Documentation

Initialize PE

The PE components have been developed as extensions and can be installed as such.

The process starts with completing an installation of the set as obtained from the Download Microsoft Business Central On-Premises site. Once the installation is completed and you have access through a modern client to the CRONUS demo company follow these steps (you can copy and paste the code to ISE):

The next step assumes that you have downloaded and unzipped the STAEDEAN release package for PE. The PowerShell script below lists the necessary steps. You can copy and paste this script to PowerShell, update the correct path and version numbers and run the script, preferrably section by section:

  1. Run PowerShell as administrator
  2. Install the management modules
  3. Publish the apps to the database
  4. Sync the apps with the database
  5. Install the apps in the database

When complete continue the process in the modern client by importing the RapidStart package and sample Lifecycles and Workflows

Publish, Sync and Install PE apps

# Install the management modules in PowerShell, optionally use the Get-NAVAppinfo to list the apps currently installed.
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\150\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Apps.Management.psd1"
Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\150\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Management.psd1"
Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance BC150

# Publish the apps to the database, make sure to copy the correct path \ ... \ from where you unzipped the release package.
Publish-NAVApp -Path "C:\ ... \TICLM15.3.40430.0\apps\TISystem\app\" -ServerInstance BC150
Publish-NAVApp -Path "C:\ ... \TICLM15.3.40430.0\apps\TILifecyle\app\To-Increase_TI-Lifecycle" -ServerInstance BC150
Publish-NAVApp -Path "C:\ ... \apps\Engineering\app\To-Increase_PE" -ServerInstance BC150
Publish-NAVApp -Path "C:\ ... \apps\Engineering LM\app\To-Increase_PE Engineering Lifecycle" -ServerInstance BC150
Publish-NAVApp -Path "C:\ ... \apps\Item Lifecycle\app\To-Increase_PE Item" -ServerInstance BC150
Publish-NAVApp -Path "C:\ ... \apps\Quality\app\To-Increase_PE" -ServerInstance BC150
Publish-NAVApp -Path "C:\ ... \apps\Quality LM\app\To-Increase_PE Quality Lifecycle" -ServerInstance BC150

# Sync the published apps, make sure to use the correct name and version number .-----.
Sync-NAVApp -Name "TI-Common" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3.-----.0
Sync-NAVApp -Name "TI-Lifecycle Base" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3.-----.0
Sync-NAVApp -Name "PE Engineering" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Sync-NAVApp -Name "PE Engineering Lifecycle Management" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Sync-NAVApp -Name "PE Item Lifecycle" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Sync-NAVApp -Name "PE Quality" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Sync-NAVApp -Name "PE Quality Lifecycle Management" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0

# Install the published apps, make sure to use the correct name and version number .-----.
Install-NAVApp -Name "TI-Common" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3.-----.0
Install-NAVApp -Name "TI-Lifecycle Base" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3.-----.0
Install-NAVApp -Name "PE Engineering" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Install-NAVApp -Name "PE Engineering Lifecycle Management" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Install-NAVApp -Name "PE Item Lifecycle" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Install-NAVApp -Name "PE Quality" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0
Install-NAVApp -Name "PE Quality Lifecycle Management" -ServerInstance BC150 -Version 15.3..-----..0

STAEDEAN Common Documentation