Product Engineering - Quality Management

How To : Run Skip Logic

With the QM Skip Logic companies can set patterns for skipping checks in quality measurement processes. These patterns let, non-critical, items "earn" a more relaxed inspection regime based on historic performance.
Multiple skip patterns can be defined based on the classification of items.
The starting point for a pattern is the ABC classification of an item, a combination of Activity and turnover value.

To create or update a Skip Pattern:

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon (Alt+Q)
  2. Type Skip Pattern in the Search box
  3. Click New to create a new Skip Pattern or select a line to edit an existing Skip Pattern
Field Description
-- Header -- Identifies the Skip Pattern
Code Type a code for the Skip Pattern
Description Describe the Skip Pattern
Activity Class Select an Activity Class: A, B or C
Turnover Class Select a Turnover Class: a, b, or c
-- Lines -- A line for each level in the Skip Pattern
Activity Class The first 3 fields will be filled automatically
Turnover Class -
Level -
Inspection Level Inspection - and Quality Levels are related to the AQL/Zero defects methods. The Skip Pattern level sets the AQL levels to a more relaxed, or higher, intensity level of inspection.
Quality Level -
Accepted Receiving Events The number of receipts to be processed before a skip is allowed.
Skip The number of receiving events to be skipped.
Frequency The number of repeats of the receive - and skip events before moving to the next level.
Reject level The level to which the settings are returned when a rejected receipt occurs.
Max. interval A date formula to set the period in which a frequency must be completed before moving to the next level. When not completed in time the frequency is set to 0.

Skip Progress

The progress of an incident in a skip pattern is tracked in the Incident Entry to allow manual resets. For this purpose the following fields have been added:

  • Turnover Class: Copied from the Item Classification Setup.
  • Activity Class: Copied from the Item Classification Setup.
  • Active: Indicates that this line is part of an active cycle.
  • Level: Shows the current level in the Skip pattern.
  • QC Status: , Performed, Skipped. Shows if the pending inspection needs to be completed or skipped.
  • QC Result Status: , Accepted, Skipped, Rejected. Shows the end-result of the inspection from the registered measurement.
  • Closed by Date Interval: When checked the frequency took longer than specified in the max. interval.

The "Skip status" for an item / vendor is tracked in Activity Levels. For each Item - Vendor combination the following data is tracked:

  • Current Level: Shows the current level in the skip pattern.
  • Accepted Events: The number of accepted events in the current level.
  • Skipped Events: The number of skipped events in the current level.
  • Frequency: The frequency number in the current level.


  • When the item moves to the next level the Accepted, Skipped and Frequency numbers are reset.
  • When an item has cycled through the complete pattern and you want it to remain at the highest level define a high frequency number to achieve that (i.e. 9999)
  • When there are receiving events while there is still a measurement pending. The measurement for the new events will only be created when the pending measurement is completed in order to apply the correct skip logic.


Quality Management