Product Engineering - Quality Management

How To : Close or cancel an Incident

An Incident can be marked as Closed or Cancelled.
Closed means that Measurements and Check sheets related to the Incident are completed.

Closed can be set manually from the Incident Entry or as Lifecycle Action from the Registered Measurement.

Incidents are closed automatically when a Measurement is registered with an Accepted state. In that situation Closed On and Closed By are set on the date that the measurement was registered and by the user that registered the measurement.

When an incident is closed all Measurements, and with them Check sheets, must be registered.

When the incident was not completed then it is not closed but cancelled. When a user checks the cancelled box a pop-up requests the reason for cancelling (Cancel reason)
When the pop-up is completed the incident is set to the status Closed and the Closed On and Closed By are set to the work date and the user ID that cancelled the incident.

The Incident Entry List is filtered to exclude closed entries.


Quality Management