Product Engineering - Quality Management

How To : Use the Target Values

With Target Values you can make specific sets of answers per item for a specific question:

Field Description
Source Type Select an Item or Item Category.
No. Select an Item or an Item Category based on the Source Type setting
Question Select a Question for which you want to set the specific target values
Type The Type of selection will be filled after the Questions has been selected: (Boolean, Lookup, Numeric)
Boolean Type the target value (Yes, No) for this question
Lookup Click the assist edit in the field to open the list of lookup values.
You can add lookup values, change the target setting and update the score values. When set the field will show the lookup values marked as target.
Numeric Type the target value in the field and use the assist edit in the field to open the list of tolerances to the target value.
You can set the From and To Values as well as the score and the result status (Accepted, Ambiguous or Rejected. The Value Type (Fixed, Percentage) has to be set in the Question List)*

Target values can also be set from the Item Card:

  1. Navigate to the Item card.
  2. On the ACTIONS tab locate the "Target Values" action and click to open the Target Values page.
  3. Adjust the target values of the type: Boolean, Lookup, Numeric as required
    NOTE: That these adjustments will also impact the check sheet rating.

See also


Quality Management