Product Engineering - Engineering Change Management

How To : Setup Engineering Change Management

Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature icon (Alt+Q) Type Engineering Change Management Setup

Field Description
Enable ECR Services Enables ECR and makes the ECR wizard appear in the various documents
Allow edit on Order Line When true User Entry Values lines are created which can be edited in the ECO
Show current value When true Existing Values lines are created and shown in the ECO (In blue)
Create BOM Version When true BOM Revisions will be created as new BOM Versions using the Revision Code as the Version No.
Create Routing Version When true Routing Revisions will be created as new Routing Versions using the Revision Code as the Version No.
Item Template Select a template to be used to complete new items
Engineering Change Request Nos. Select the number series to be used for the Engineering Change Requests
Engineering Change Order Nos. Select the number series to be used for the Engineering Change Orders
Engineering Staging Nos. Select the number series to be used for the Manual Engineering Change Orders
ECR Priority The priority of an ECR is initially calculated as Severity * Impact, the user can override this, suggested, priority at any time
- Severity The severity indicates the urgency of the requested change
-- Low: The product is fully functional but could be improved, usually in design.
-- Medium: The product is functioning but its use is inconvenient.
-- High: The product is still functioning but in a seriously constrained way.
-- Critical: Using the product is impossible and / or dangerous.
- Impact The impact indicates the, financial, consequences, of the requested change
-- Low: Current inventories and supply can be depleted first, phased out before the requested change is implemented.
-- Medium: Although the requested change is not interchangeable inventories and supply on the product are low.
-- High: The current, relatively high value, inventory has to be replaced and supply orders must be cancelled.
User Defined Fields 01..10 Set the captions for the User Defined fields in the EC Staging and Eng. Change Order

The following items are included in the Product Engineering delivery package to assist you in the setup of Engineering Change Management

Engineering Change Management Lifecycles

Code Description File name
ECM-ECR ECM Engineering Change Reques N108 Lifecycle ECM-ECR.xml
Import in Lifecycles
ECM-ECR Eng. Change Management Requests ECM-ECR Workflow.xml*
Import in Workflow

See also


Engineering Change Management