Business Integration Solutions Documentation

Setup XML to HTML Translator Activity

Use a XML to HTML Translator to convert a document to an HTML format.

  1. In a configuration, add the element [XMLTOHTMLTRANSLATOR].
  2. On the line, click Manage/Edit to open the setup page.
  3. On the [XMLTOHTMLTRANSLATOR] setup page, the following options are available.
Field Description
Documment Type Internal or external document type.
Document No. The document number that contains the format of the incoming message.
Use a Custom XSLT Enabling this option will enable the Import Xslt Action, allowing to overwrite the generated XSLT from the HTMl Editor
Editor Type Choose which version of the HTML Editor. The HTML Editor loads in externally hosted scripts and components, the local HTML Editor uses only local resources. We recommend to use the latter in case when the former doesn't load.
  1. You can define the HTML body in the following ways:
    • Click Import Xslt on the Actions tab to import a custom Xslt directly.
    • Click Design to open the HTML Editor and define the HTML Body using the CK Editor.
    • Click Design to open the HTML Editor and press Source to paste an HTML Source directly.

Page actions

The available actions on the page are the following

Action Purpose
Check Configuration Checks the current configuration and reports any potential issues
Design Opens the CK Editor to design the message
Preview Creates a preview email message for testing the configuration
Export XSLT Exports the current xslt used to transform the configuration
Import XSLT Import a customised transformation to use instead of the compiled version via the editor. Available only when [Use Custom XSLT] is enabled
Document Opens the design page of the document defined in the setup
Test Data Opens a new page where you can setup dummy data in the document, which is used as source data for the preview