ANY Process Demo: WMS Count Inventory - Prerequisites

Reason Codes

When the stock taking of an item is processed in the mobile process after scanning the item and inputting of the quantity on physical inventory the line at the counting list is updated with the Reason Code = COUNTSCAN. This reason code needs to be defined in the demo data before executing the mobile process. Execute the following steps in Business Central.

  1. Open the Reason Codes page.
  2. Define the code COUNTSCAN. Add reason code

Warehouse Journal Batch

For the Whse. Phys. Invt. Journal one or more Whse. Journal Batches can be used as the identification of a counting list. By setting up different journal batches, e.g. by location by bin row, a specific counting list can be selected in the WMS Count Inventory process for counting a specific part of a warehouse.

Execute the next steps in Business Central in order to define a batch for 2 different locations.

  1. Go to the Warehouse Journal Templates page.
  2. Select the PHYSINVT template and go to Related > Template > Batches.
  3. Add the following two batches.
Name Location No. Series

Add batches

Counting list

In this demo script a counting list of inventory will be processed. This counting list needs to be generated before the use of the WMS Count Inventory pre-configured process.

  1. Go to the Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal page and select COUNTLIST1 as Batch Names. Add inventory journal

  2. Create a counting list for location WHITE by pressing Process > Calculate Inventory.

  3. In the report options, add the following filters:

  • Location Code: WHITE.
  • Bin code: W-01*|W-02*|W-04*

Add filters

  1. Repeat step 1, 2 and 3 for COUNTLIST2 with the Bin code filter set to W-05*|W-06*

Run the demo process