ANY Process Demo: Sales Quote - Prerequisites

Execute the following setup configuration before running this demo process.

Sales & Receivable Setup

  1. Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Setup/Sales & Receivables Setup
  2. The Invoice Rounding should be unchecked


Numbering Series Setup

In Quote to be able to create a new Sales Quote the next Numbering Series needs to be defined

  1. Go to the menu Finance/Setup/No. Series
  2. The No. Series S-QUO needs to be defined


  1. Select Lines for to set the Start and End No.


Customer Data

In this demo script either a contact (as prospect) or a customer is used to create a Sales Quote.

  • Create a contact by executing the Create Contact preconfigured process.
  • To get the best view of the features of the process capabilities for pricing and discount use a customer 10000 – The Cannon Group Plc. with some changes in the Customer Card.
  1. Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Sales/Customers
  2. Double click on the line with Customer no. 10000 and expand the fast tab Invoicing


  1. Enter Customer Disc. Group LARGE ACC


  1. Confirm by pressing the Ship-To Addresses button from the Navigate menu, that the customer has 2 ship-to addresses


Run the demo process