ANY Process Demo: Create Sales Order - Prerequisites

Execute the following setup configuration before running this demo process.

Sales & Receivables Setup

When the stock taking of an item is processed in the mobile process after scanning the item and inputting of the quantity on physical inventory the line at the counting list is updated with the Reason Code = COUNTSCAN. This reason code needs to be defined in the demo data before executing the mobile process.

  1. Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Setup and open the Sales & Receivables page
  2. Change the next setup parameter to Blank


Numbering Series Setup

In order to be able to create a new Sales Order the next Numbering Series needs to be defined

  1. Go to the menu Finance/Setup/No. Series
  2. The No. Series S-ORD-D needs to be defined


  1. From the Navigate group select Lines for to set the Start and End No.


Customer Data

In this demo script a customer is used to create a sales order for. To get the best view of the features of the process capabilities use a customer 10000 – The Cannon Group Plc. with some changes in the Customer Card.

  1. Go to the menu Sales & Marketing/Sales/Customers


  1. Expand the Fast Tab Invoicing


  1. Enter Customer Disc. Group LARGE ACC


  1. Confirm by pressing the Ship-To Addresses button (from the Navigate group) that the customer has 2 ship-to addresses.


Run the demo process