Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

Control Properties

Property Description
Process Code Identifier of the process. (hidden)
Activity Code Identifier of the activity.(hidden)
Type The Type of the Control:
  • Group: Groups controls together
  • Control: Used to display information
  • Button: For navigation, see [Buttons]
Label Caption of the control on the mobile client.
Note: The framework supports Unicode Characters in most controls: To demonstrate we created examples using Unicode emojis as captions in buttons. Here are some Examples
New Line Explicit new line after the control.
SubType The specific type of the control:
  • Label
  • Textbox
  • LiteralHTML
  • FileUpload
  • Image
  • Signature
  • CheckBox
  • Dropdown
Source Type Source of the value to be displayed.
Source Code Field from the activities table, activity or process that is to be displayed. Or the parameter the user input has to be stored in.
Style You can use this to apply inline styling for the controls that will be displayed in the portal. Style wizard will help you in setting up the most commonly used styling.
Visible You can use this to control the visibility of the controls dynamically. You can use the value from the Source fields (Table Field or Parameter) and a function whose return value is boolean.
Activates Next Record Triggers NAV Anywhere to identify a record in the database after the user inputs data in the client, using the user input, filters and key settings, and flow table relations
Expression Initial value for editable textboxes with Source Type “Parameter”. Also, to display values for non-editable controls like Textbox, Label and LiteralHTML.
Editable Marks if the user can interact with the control, not applicable with all variations.
Mandatory Checks if the parameter has a value. Only in combination with editable textboxes.
Table Name The table bound to the activity Field Name The field that will be displayed on the mobile client.
Field Name The field that will be displayed on the mobile client.
Line No. Makes the control unique.
  • Activates Next Record
    If “Activates Next Record” is set to true, NAV Anywhere will try to identify a record in the database when the control is validated: (either at the start of the activity, when the expression of a non-editable parameter is evaluated, or when the user submits the form after inserting data). Set this field to true when information from the record will be used in the next activity. Set it to false when the user input is not meant to retrieve a record.
  • Mandatory
    To prevent that a user skips an input field that has to be filled out, an editable control can be marked as mandatory. The parameter linked to the control will always be checked when the user submits the form, and if no value was inserted, an error will be returned to the user.
  • Expression
    Expressions are on a control to display results of custom functions. Multiple fields on one line, and to allow initial values in a textbox. A good example of an initial value is the current field value of the activity record.