Business Integration Solutions Documentation

About: Mapping

Mapping is the activity of defining a relationship between two documents.
In a typical integration scenario between Microsoft Dynamics BC and an external system, two different documents are considered.
The internal document is a representation of the Microsoft Dynamics BC table structure, including tables, fields and relationships. The external document is a shared representation of the information that is exchanged.
Part of the integration effort is spent on mapping the internal document on the external document during the export of data, or mapping the external document on the internal document during the import of data.
Mapping between a source document and a target document can be performed in different ways, such as:

  • Direct mapping from a source element to a target element
    • On single nodes (field to field mapping)
    • On complex nodes (Parent Node mapping)
  • Mapping using a constant
  • Mapping using an expression function

The following table provides links to and descriptions of the topics in this section:

To See
Lean about field to field mapping About: Field to Field Mapping
Learn about parent node mapping About: Parent Node Mapping
Learn about field to constant mapping About: Field to Constant Mapping
Learn about mapping using expressions About: Expression Functions Mapping
Learn about mapping activity extension points About: MapperActivity

Example of Mapping