Switching to Another Company or Environment

Business Central so that you have to understand the terms company and environment.

Business Central](about-new-company.md).

[!TIP] If you often switch between companies, or work with Business Central from within another app like Microsoft Teams, it can be easy to lose track of where you are. To help you keeping track, you can add a badge that will display the company name, so you can quickly verify that you're in the right place. For more information, see To display a company badge for quick access to company information.

Depending on your browser, you can also pin the different companies to your favourites bar.

Switch to Another Environment

When you're signed in to Business Central, the environments that you can access are available on the Office.com.

  1. Select the App Launcher icon App Launcher..
  2. If you don't see an app for Business Central in the pane that opens, then choose Office 365. Then, enter Business Central in the Search box or select All Apps > Business Apps.
  3. There will be one Business Central app for the type of environment it is. If there's more than one environment of a certain type, you'll then be asked to choose the environment to access.

Switch to Another Company

When you're signed in to Business Central, you can quickly switch to another company. After you make the switch, the company you choose becomes your default company and will display the next time you sign in.

  1. In the top-right corner, choose the Settings icon Settings., and then choose the My Settings action.

    [!TIP] You can also use the Alt+T keyboard shortcut to quickly open the My Settings page.

  2. On the My Settings page, in the Company field, select the company.

  3. Choose the OK button.

[!TIP] A good way to go directly to your default company when you sign in, and avoid having to specify an environment, is to add the the URL to your list of favorites after you sign in.

See Also

Change Basic Settings
Environments and companies (English only)
The Business Central Administration Center

--- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include ms.date: 12/20/2021 ms.author: edupont

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