Online Update Management

Industrial Equipment Manufacturing (IEM) and Food Manufacturing & Distribution (FOOD) are available as EmbedApp on a STAEDEAN Online environment. STAEDEAN manages this environment and is therefore responsible for the Major, Minor and Hotfix releases on this environment. These releases will be available in the Business Central Admin Center.

Major Releases

Major releases will be done in waves.

  1. First wave will contain Sanbox environments and will have a time frame of 1 week.
  2. Second wave will contain Production environments and will have a time frame of 2,5 weeks.

Partners will be notified via e-mail on Start Date and Time Frame.

  • Go to Environments
  • Check if an Available Update Version is shown
  • Click on environment
  • In Version Management the Available Update Version, Update Scheduling Availability, Update Start Date and Update Window are shown
  • Update Start Date is standard filled with date set by STAEDEAN, this date can be modified within the time frame that is set by STAEDEAN
  • Update window can be defined, it is preferred that this is done outside working hours
  • The upgrade will be done according to set/modified start date and defined update window

NOTE: When Start Date is not modified the upgrade will start from set Start Date

Minor Releases and Hotfixes

  • Go to Environments
  • Click on environment
  • Go to Apps
  • In Manage Apps you can check if there is a Latest Available Version
  • Clicking on Install update will immediately start updating the environment to this Latest Version

Partners will be notified via e-mail that a new Latest Version is available.

NOTE: Online Update Management is subject to change due to new insights and growth in the number of tenants and number of different localizations.

For information on releases go to Release Management

STAEDEAN Common Documentation