How to request extension points in STAEDEAN Business Central solutions

  • If a partner uses extensions as a means to provide customer-specific modifications or to deliver his own add-on functionality, it could happen that those extensions will be built upon the solutions that we deliver. In that case, we need to be able to deliver extension-points in our objects or, as long as we deliver embed-apps, in the standard Microsoft objects that are part of the embed-app.

If you require an extension point in our software, the steps to take are:

  • The partner raises a support-case of the type request. In the description of the case he mentions that this is a request for extension points and he adds as much detail as possible (what object, what function, what place, why, what Business Scenario) to the case.
  • The support team will forward this to the development team during their daily meeting, and create a change request.
  • This change request will be reviewed in the following sprint, where the change will be evaluated. In case the team elects to deem the request not feasible, they will note why the change was denied, and an attempt will be made to solve the issue via different methods.
    • If the request is denied, the lead-developer will describe why and if possible a short story on how to fix the issue without the requested extension point. This will be delivered back to the partner by our support team.
    • If the request is approved, it will be scheduled and shall be delivered in one of the following monthly updates, while ensuring the quality of both the product and the new feature.

Extension point requested for one of our embed-solutions in a standard Microsoft Object, cannot be accepted. These are or will become obsolete and will be replaced with extention points in objects from STAEDEAN. In these cases, the Extension Point will be removed and everybody will be timely informed.