Connect to Microsoft Dataverse

This topic describes how to set up a connection between Dynamics 365 Sales.

Before You Start

There are a few pieces of information to have ready before you create the connection:

  • The URL for the --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse environment that you want to connect to. If you use the Dataverse Connection Setup assisted setup guide to create the connection we'll find your environments. You can also enter the URL of another environment in your tenant.

  • The user name and password of an account that has administrator permissions in --- author: edupont04

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  • If you have an on-premises --- author: edupont04

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  • The local currency for the company in --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse organization must use the same currency.

[!IMPORTANT] Your --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse environment must not be in Administration mode. Administration mode will cause the connection to fail because the integration user account for the connection does not have administrator permissions. For more information, see Administration mode.

[!Note] These steps describe the procedure for Business Central online. If you're using --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse, you must also specify a user name and password of a user account for the integration. This account is referred to as the "integration user" account. If you're using an Azure Active Directory account, the integration user account is not required or displayed. The integration user will be set up automatically and does not require a license.

Set Up a Connection to ---

author: edupont04

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For all authentication types other than Microsoft 365 authentication, you set up your connection to --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse on the Dataverse Connection Setup page. For Microsoft 365 authentication, we recommend that you use the Dataverse Connection Setup assisted setup guide. The guide makes it easier to set up the connection and specify advanced features, such as the ownership model and initial synchronization.

[!IMPORTANT] During the setup of the connection to --- author: edupont04

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  • **Access --- author: edupont04

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  • **Have full access to Dynamics 365 Business Central data that will be synchronized.
  • Sign in and read your profile permission is needed to verify user logging in actually has System Administrator security role assigned in --- author: edupont04

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By giving consent on behalf of organization, the administrator is entitling the registered Azure application called Business Central Integration application user's credentials.

To use the Dataverse Connection Setup assisted setup guide

The Dataverse Connection Setup guide can make it easier to connect the applications, and can even help you run an initial synchronization. If you choose to run initial synchronization, Business Central will review the data in both applications and provide recommendations for how to approach initial synchronization. The following table describes the recommendations.

|Recommendation |Description | |---------|---------| |Full synchronization|Data exists only in --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse. The recommendation is to synchronize all data from the service that has it to the other service.| |No synchronization|Data exists in both applications, and running full synchronization would duplicate the data. The recommendation is to couple records.| |Dependency not satisfied|Data exists in both applications, but the row or table can't be synchronized because it depends on a row or table that has the No synchronization recommendation. For example, if customers can't be synchronized, then data for contacts that depends on the customer data can't be synchronized either.|

[!IMPORTANT] Typically, you only use full synchronization when you're integrating the applications for the first time, and only one application contains data. Full synchronization can be useful in a demonstration environment because it automatically creates and couples records in each application, which makes it faster to start working with synchronized data. However, you should only run full synchronization if you want one row in --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse for the table mappings. Otherwise, the result can be duplicate records.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Assisted Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose Set up a connection to Microsoft Dataverse to start the assisted setup guide.
  3. Fill in the fields as necessary.

[!NOTE] If you aren't prompted to sign in with your administrator account, it's probably because pop-ups are blocked. To sign in, allow pop-ups from

To create or maintain the connection manually

The following procedure describes how to set up the connection manually on the Dataverse Connection Setup page. The Dataverse Connection Setup page is where you manage integration settings.

  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Dataverse Connection Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Enter the following information for the connection from --- author: edupont04

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|**Environment URL**|If you own environments in <span class="partial-md">---

author: edupont04

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Dataverse, we'll find them for you when you run the setup guide. If you want to connect to a different environment in another tenant, you can enter the administrator credentials for the environment and we'll find it. | |Enabled|Start using the integration. If you don't enable the connection now, the connection settings will be saved but users won't be able to access Business Central. You can return to this page and enable the connection later. |

  1. In the Ownership Model field, choose whether you want a team table in --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse to own new records, or one or more specific users. If you choose Person, you must specify each user. If you choose Team, the default business unit will display in the Coupled Business Unit field.

<!--Need to verify the details in this table, are these specific to Sales maybe?  IK: No they are not and no longer relevant 
Enter the following advanced settings.-->

<!-- |Field|Description|
|**<span class="partial-md">Dynamics 365 Sales</span> connection (integration) user.|
|**Current Business Central Salesperson is Mapped to a User**|Indicates whether your user account is mapped to an account in <span class="partial-md">Dynamics 365 Sales</span> double check the name of this field|-->
  1. To test the connection settings, choose Connection, and then Test Connection.

    If data encryption is not enabled in Business Central, you will be asked whether you want to enable it. To enable data encryption, choose Yes and provide the required information. Otherwise, choose No. You can enable data encryption later. For more information, see Encrypting Data in Dynamics 365 Business Central in the developer and administration help.

  2. If Business Central, choose Yes or No.

Customize the Match-Based Coupling

Starting in 2021 release wave 2, an administrator can enter criteria to couple records based on matches. You can start the algorithm for matching records from the following places in Business Central:

  • List pages that show records that are synchronized with --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse, such as the Customers and Items pages.

Select multiple records, and then choose the **Related** action, choose **Dataverse**, choose **Coupling**, and then choose **Match-Based Coupling**.

When you start the match-based coupling process from a master data list, a coupling job is scheduled after you specify the coupling criteria.  
  • The Dataverse Full Synch. Review page.

    When the full synchronization process detects uncoupled records in --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse, a Select Coupling Criteria link appears for the integration table.

You can start the **Run Full Synchronization** process from the **Dataverse Connection Setup** and **Dynamics 365 Connection Setup** pages. You can also start it in the **Set up a connection to Dataverse** assisted setup guide when you complete your setup.  

When you start the match-based coupling process from the **Dataverse Full Synch. Review** page, a coupling job is scheduled after you complete the setup.  
  • The Integration Table Mappings list.

    Select a mapping, choose the Coupling action, and then choose Match-Based Coupling.

    When you start the match-based coupling process from an integration table mapping, a coupling job runs for all uncoupled records in the mapping. You can also select uncoupled records in the list to run the job only for those records.

In all three cases, the Select Coupling Criteria page opens so that you can define the relevant coupling criteria. In this page, customize the coupling with the following tasks:

  • Choose the fields to use to match --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse entities. You can specify whether the match is case-sensitive.

  • Specify whether to synchronize after you couple records. If records use bidirectional mapping, you can also specify what happens if conflicts are listed in the Resolve Update Conflicts page.

  • Prioritize the order in which records are searched by specifying a match priority for the relevant mapping fields. Business Central will search for a match in ascending order based on the value in the Match Priority field. A blank value in the Match Priority field equals priority 0, which is the highest priority. Fields with the 0 priority are considered first.

  • Specify whether to create a new entity instance in --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse in case no unique uncoupled match can be found by using the match criteria. To activate this capability, choose the Create New if Unable to Find a Match action.

View the results of the coupling job

To view the results of the coupling job, open the Integration Table Mappings page, select the relevant mapping, choose the Coupling action, and then choose the Integration Coupling Job Log action.

If records failed to couple, you can choose the value in the Failed column to open a list of errors that describe why that happened.

Typically, coupling fails for the following reasons:

  • No matching criteria was defined

    Run the match-based coupling again, but remember to define coupling criteria.

  • No match was found for the fields specified in the matching criteria

    Repeat the coupling using different fields.

  • Multiple matches were found for several records based on the the fields specified in the matching criteria

    Repeat the coupling using different fields.

  • A match was found, but the record is already coupled to a record in Business Central

    Repeat the coupling using different fields, or investigate why that Business Central.

[!TIP] To help you get an overview over the progress of the coupling, the Coupled to Dataverse field shows whether a record is coupled to a --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse entity. You can use the Coupled to Dataverse field to filter the list of records you're synchronizing.

Upgrade Connections from Business Central Online to Use Certificate-Based Authentication

[!NOTE] This section is relevant only for Business Central online tenants that are hosted by Microsoft. Online tenants hosted by ISVs, and on-premises installations, are not affected.

In April 2022, Business Central online tenants that are hosted by ISVs, and on-premises installations can continue to use client secrets for authentication.

To avoid disrupting integrations, you must upgrade the connection to use certificate-based authentication. Although the change is scheduled for March 2022, we strongly recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible. The following steps describe how to upgrade to certificate-based authentication.

To upgrade your Business Central online connection to use certificate-based authentication

  1. Depending on whether you integrate with Dynamics 365 Sales, do one of the following:
    • If you do, open the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connection Setup page.
    • If you don't, open the Dataverse Connection Setup page.
  2. Choose Connection, and then Use Certificate Authentication to upgrade the connection to use certificate based authentication.
  3. Sign in with administrator credentials for Dataverse. It should take less than a minute to sign in.

[!NOTE] You must repeat these steps in each --- author: edupont04

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Connecting On-Premises Versions

To connect --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse, you must specify some information on the Dataverse Connection Setup page.

To connect using an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) account, you must register an application in Azure AD. You'll have to provide the application ID, key vault secret, and the redirect URL to use. The redirect URL is pre-populated and should work for most installations. You must set up your installation to use HTTPS. For more information, see Configuring SSL to Secure the Business Central Web Client Connection. If you're setting up your server to have a different home page, you can change the URL. The client secret will be saved as an encrypted string in your database.


Dataverse must use one of the following authentication types:

To register an application in Azure AD for connecting from Business Central to Dataverse

The following steps assume that you use Azure AD to manage identities and access. For more information about registering an application in Azure AD, see Quickstart: Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform.

  1. In the Azure Portal, under Manage on the Navigation Pane, choose Authentication.

  2. Under Redirect URLs, add the redirect URL that is suggested on the Dataverse Connection Setup page in Business Central.

  3. Under Manage, choose API permissions.

  4. Under Configured permissions, choose Add a permission, and then add delegated permissions on the Microsoft APIs tab as follows:

    • For Business Central, add the Financials.ReadWrite.All permissions.
    • For Dynamics CRM, add the user_impersonation permissions.

    [!NOTE] The name of the Dynamics CRM API might change.

  5. Under Manage, choose Certificates & Secrets, and then create a new secret for your app. You will use the secret either in Business Central, in the Client Secret field on the Dataverse Connection Setup page, or store in a secure storage and provide it in an event subscriber as described earlier in this topic.

  6. Choose Overview, and then find the Application (client) ID value. This ID is the Client ID of your application. You must enter it either on the Dataverse Connection Setup page in the Client ID field, or store it in a secure storage and provide it in an event subscriber.

  7. In --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse environment. 8. To enable the connection to --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse, turn on the Enabled toggle. 9. Sign in with your administrator account for Azure Active Directory (this account must have a valid license for --- author: edupont04

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Dataverse on behalf of the organization. You must give consent to complete the setup.

[!NOTE] If you aren't prompted to sign in with your administrator account, it is probably because pop ups are blocked. To sign in, allow pop-ups from

To disconnect from ---

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  1. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Dataverse Connection Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Dataverse Connection Setup page, turn off the Enabled toggle.

See Also

View the Status of a Synchronization

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Business Central on Microsoft Learn