Create a New Company Based on Configuration Packages

To use RapidStart Services for Business Central tables and pages are created, but there is no data in them.

In addition, you can apply specific setup data to your company after you initialize it. The information is provided in a configuration package, a .rapidstart file, which delivers content in a compressed format.

Example configuration packages, including country/region-specific files, are included with the CRONUS demonstration company. Use the following procedures to use the example configuration package with a new company.

To use the sample configuration packages

  1. Open the CRONUS demonstration company. For more information, see Change Basic Settings.
  2. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Configuration Packages, and then choose the related link.
  3. Choose the relevant package from the list, and then choose the Export Package action.

Use the following procedure to create a new company, and use the configuration package as part of the process.

To create a new company

  1. Create a new company. For more information, see Creating New Companies in Business Central.
  2. Choose the Lightbulb that opens the Tell Me feature. icon, enter Configuration Packages, and then choose the related link.
  3. Choose the Import Package action, and then specify the .rapidstart file that you want to import.

After you create a new company, some tables are automatically filled in, even if no company template is applied. For example, you can review the standard codes for posting and batch transactions on the Source Code page. If you provide a local version of Business Central, you should review this table and consider any local language issues.

About Data Tables

Business Central, data tables come in two basic types: Master and Setup. When you are setting up a company configuration, you can use these types to focus your configuration strategy.

Master Data Tables

The following table lists some of the master data tables. When you initialize a new company, these tables are empty.

Table No. Table Name
15 G/L Account
18 Customer
23 Vendor
27 Item
5050 Contact

Setup Data Tables

The following table lists some of the setup data tables, in which you capture setup information in the configuration questionnaire. These tables contain baseline information when the company is created.

Table No. Table Name
98 General Ledger Setup
311 Sales & Receivables Setup
312 Purchases & Payables Setup
313 Inventory Setup

In addition to setup data tables, Business Central also has setup-type data tables that specify core information about the company and its business processes. The following table lists some of them.

Table No. Table Name
3 Payment Terms
4 Currency
6 Customer Price Groups
5700 Stockkeeping Unit

See Also

Apply Configurations to New Companies
Setting Up a Company With RapidStart Services

--- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include 12/20/2021 edupont

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