Company Information Overview

Business Central organizes business entities in companies. For each company, you must fill in some of the basic company details and relevant information in the Company Information page. The information in the Company Information page is used in documents, such as invoice headers. You can set up more than one company, such as a parent company and a subsidiary.

If the company's inventory warehouse is located at a different address than company headquarters, you can complete the various ship-to fields and the Location Code field on the Shipping FastTab. Then, the information in these fields will be printed on purchase orders, for example, so that vendors will ship items to the correct location.

For each company that you set up, you must fill in the Company Information page, together with the General Ledger Setup page. You must also set up each area in Business Central](

The Company Information page contains different fields and FastTabs, depending on your country. the following table describes the most commonly used FastTabs.

--- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include 03/14/2022 edupont

Field Description
General Enter the general information about your company including a logo since that will be appearing on externally-facing documents, such as invoices that you send out.
Communication Enter the basic company contact information, such as phone number and email address.
Payments Fill in the relevant banking information to insure that your customers will be able to pay you.
Shipping Fill in the relevant shipping information so that you will be able to send and receive goods from and to your company.
Tax Depending on the country your business is registered in, you might see a Tax FastTab. If it is available, fill in the fields.

Once you have completed filling in the information, you can close the page.

See Also

Overview of Tasks to Set Up Business Central
Company Information Quick Start
Set Up Company Information in Italy