Handling Missing Option Values

[!NOTE] In 2022 release wave 1 you can create your own option mappings. For more information, see Customizing option mappings with Microsoft Dataverse. The new capabilities require that your administrator enables Feature Update: Map to option sets in Dataverse without code on the Feature Management page. For more information, see Enabling Upcoming Features Ahead of Time.

This topic is intended for a technical audience. The processes it describes require the help of a developer.

Business Central table and added to the Dataverse Option Mapping system table to handle manually later. For example, by adding the missing options in either product and then updating the mapping.

The Integration Table Mapping page contains three fields that contain one or more mapped option values. After a full synchronization, the Dataverse Option Mapping page contains the non-mapped options in the three fields.

Record Option Value Option Value Caption
Payment Terms: NET30 1 Net 30
Payment Terms: 2%10NET30 2 2% 10; Net 30
Payment Terms: NET45 3 Net 45
Payment Terms: NET60 4 Net 60
Shipment Method: FOB 1 FOB
Shipment Method: NOCHARGE 2 No Charge
Shipping Agent: AIRBORNE 1 Airborne
Shipping Agent: DHL 2 DHL
Shipping Agent: FEDEX 3 FedEx
Shipping Agent: UPS 4 UPS
Shipping Agent: POSTALMAIL 5 Postal Mail
Shipping Agent: FULLLOAD 6 Full Load
Shipping Agent: WILLCALL 7 Will Call

The content of the Dataverse Option Mapping page is based on enum values in the CRM Account table. In --- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include ms.date: 04/01/2021 ms.author: edupont

Dataverse, the following fields on the account table are mapped to fields on the customer and vendor records:

  • Address 1: Freight Terms of data type Enum, where values are defined as follow:
enum 5335 "CDS Shipment Method Code"
    Extensible = true;
    value(0; " ") { Caption = ' '; }
    value(1; "FOB") { Caption = 'FOB'; }
    value(2; "NoCharge") { Caption = 'No Charge'; }
  • Address 1: Shipping Method of data type Enum, where values are defined as follows:
enum 5336 "CDS Shipping Agent Code"
    Extensible = true;
    value(0; " ") { Caption = ' '; }
    value(1; "Airborne") { Caption = 'Airborne'; }
    value(2; "DHL") { Caption = 'DHL'; }
    value(3; "FedEx") { Caption = 'FedEx'; }
    value(4; "UPS") { Caption = 'UPS'; }
    value(5; "PostalMail") { Caption = 'Postal Mail'; }
    value(6; "FullLoad") { Caption = 'Full Load'; }
    value(7; "WillCall") { Caption = 'Will Call'; }
  • Payment Terms of data type Enum, where values are defined as follows:
enum 5334 "CDS Payment Terms Code"
    Extensible = true;
    value(0; " ") { Caption = ' '; }
    value(1; "Net30") { Caption = 'Net 30'; }
    value(2; "2%10Net30") { Caption = '2% 10; Net 30'; }
    value(3; "Net45") { Caption = 'Net 45'; }
    value(4; "Net60") { Caption = 'Net 60'; }

All of the --- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include ms.date: 04/01/2021 ms.author: edupont


Extending Option Sets in Business Central

  1. Create a new AL extension.

  2. Add an Enum extension for the options that you want to extend. Be sure that you use the same value.

enumextension 50100 "CDS Payment Terms Code Extension" extends "CDS Payment Terms Code"
    value(779800001; "Cash Payment") { Caption = 'Cash Payment'; }
    value(779800002; "Transfer") { Caption = 'Transfer'; }

You must use the same option ID values from Business Central enum. Otherwise synchronization will fail.

Do not use the "," character in the enum values and captions. This is currently not supported by the Business Central runtime.

[!NOTE] The first ten characters of the new option value names and captions must be unique. For example, two options named "Transfer 20 working days" and "Transfer 20 calendar days" will cause an error because both have the same first 10 characters, "Transfer 2". Name them, for example, "TRF20 WD" and "TRF20 CD."

Update ---

author: edupont04

ms.topic: include ms.date: 04/01/2021 ms.author: edupont

Dataverse Option Mapping Now you can recreate the mapping between Business Central records.

On the Integration Table Mapping page, choose the line for the Payment Terms map, and then choose the Synchronize Modified Records action. The Dataverse Option Mapping page is updated with the additional records below.

Record Option Value Option Value Caption
Payment Terms: NET30 1 Net 30
Payment Terms: 2%10NET30 2 2% 10; Net 30
Payment Terms: NET45 3 Net 45
Payment Terms: NET60 4 Net 60
Payment Terms: CASH PAYME 779800001 Cash Payment
Payment Terms: TRANSFER 779800002 Transfer

The Payment Terms table in --- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include ms.date: 04/01/2021 ms.author: edupont

Dataverse options. In the following table new options are in bold font . Italic rows represent all options that can now be synchronized. Remaining rows represent options are not in use and will be ignored during synchronization. You can remove them or extend Dataverse options with the same names.)

Code Due Date Calculation Discount Date Calculation Discount % Calc. Pmt. Disc. on Cr. Memos Description
10 DAYS 10D 0. FALSE Net 10 days
14 DAYS 14D 0. FALSE Net 14 days
15 DAYS 15D 0. FALSE Net 15 days
1M(8D) 1M 8D 2. FALSE 1 Month/2% 8 days
2 DAYS 2D 0. FALSE Net 2 days
2%10NET30 0. FALSE
21 DAYS 21D 0. FALSE Net 21 days
30 DAYS 30D 0. FALSE Net 30 days
60 DAYS 60D 0. FALSE Net 60 days
7 DAYS 7D 0. FALSE Net 7 days
CM CM 0. FALSE Current Month
COD 0D 0. FALSE Cash on delivery

See Also

Mapping the Tables and Fields to Synchronize

--- author: edupont04

ms.topic: include ms.date: 12/20/2021 ms.author: edupont

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