Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation

How To: Setup Webservice Event

Use this task to setup a Webservice Event, which can be used to import data into or export data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV, based on a call to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Webservice from an external party.

To setup webservice event:

  1. Create an export connection and insert the element WEBSERVICEEVENT.
  2. On the elements line, click Edit.
  3. On the Web Service Event Setup, fill in the following fields:
Field Description
Web Service Specify an existing web service that has been created and published in the current database.
Direction Specify if you want to use the webservice event for reading and/or writing data.
Document No. Specify the internal document based on which the data is read or written.
Node Name This field is used for filtering purpose. The node names are specified according to the internal document structure.
Table Filter Specify the table filter. This filter will be applied on the data set.
  1. Click Check Configuration to see if there are any configuration errors.
  2. Click Ok.

Web Service Event Setup