How To : Set up Job Features

Job Features are user definable fields for a Job. Per Company 20 features can be defined in the Advanced Job Management Setup by selecting them from the Job Features list. The Setup also determines the sequence in which the Job Features are used.

Per Job the value of the feature can be selected from a predefined list or as free entry text. Job Features can be set from the Job Header, the Job Budget line and the Job Planning line. The Job Feature values are stored as a Job Feature Set ID and copied along in the various transactions.


  • The Job Information Factbox shows the number of Features as well as the number for which a value is selected, ie: 2/5 = from a total of 5 features 2 are specified
  • The Job Features from the Job Item Planning line are also available from the Purchase Order line: "Job Planning Line" in the purchase order line menu".

To maintain Features:

Job Features are set in 2 steps:

  1. First define the Features in the Features List and specify the content for each Feature.
    • Type Features in the Search Box
    • Select ../Departments/Advanced Job Management/Administration/Job Features
To See
Code Identifies the Feature
Description Describes the Feature
Type Code Predefined List: the Feature values are copied from another table to create a list you can select from in the Job. Option List: the Feature values are typed in a list you can select from in the Job. Free Text: you can type your own Feature value in the Job.
Table No. For a Predefined List select the table no. from which the Feature Values will be copied.
Table Name Will be populated when a Table No. is selected.
Field No. For a Predefined List select the field no. from the table no. specified from which the Feature Values will be copied .
Field Name Will be populated when a Field No. is selected.
  1. Second set the Features you are going to use as well as their sequence in Advanced Job Management Setup, Features fasttab.
    • Type Jobs Setup in the Search box
    • Select ../Departments/Advanced Job Management/Administration/Jobs Setup
    • Open the Job Features fast tab
    • Select in the Feature Code (..) fields a Feature to be used in Jobs

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