How to: Prepare the Job Lifecycle for Time Posting to a Job Quote

The process around Time Posting to a Job Quote is controlled by the Lifecycle. The following settings should be made to the Job lifecycle.

  • Type Lifecycles in the Search box to open Departments/Solution Center/Lifecycle Studio/Lifecycles.
  • Locate the Lifecycle for the Jobs, or Job Quote, and click Edit to open the Lifecycle card. Make sure to Re-open the Lifecycle for editing.
  • In the Lifecycle Lines locate the transition from an Approved Job Quote to a Job Order and select that line.
  • Select the No. of Conditions column and click to open the Lifecycle Conditions list.
  • Click New to add a new condition:

|Type|Source|Condition|User Message| |----|------|---------|------------| |Filter|Won/Lost|Won|Won/Lost should be set to Won| With this condition we are making sure that only Won Job Quotes are converted to orders.

  • Select the No. of Actions column and click to open the Lifecycle Actions list.
  • Click New to add a new action:

|Type|Action Handler Name|Arguments| |----|-------------------|---------| |After Status Change|ExpectedWon.ResourceEntries|No| The action has to be After Status Change to make sure the Job has the Order status. With the Action Handler the Expected Resource Costs will be posted to the Job and a Job Ledger Entry will be created.

See also

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