How To : Process Job Specific Inventory

This function allows the user to clean-up Job Specific inventory when completing the project. The function is available from the Job List and Job Card ACTIONS tab.
When opened the page shows all items with remaining, Job Specific, inventory per location.
Click on the assist edit besides the quantity in the location column to open a selection pop-up with 3 Actions:

  • Post Usage (Consume or Deliver)
    This action is similar to the Posting action in the Job Item Planning line. When clicked the action opens a new page with the selected items. In this list the quantities can still be adjusted, however with the Post action all lines in the posting page will be posted with the settings (Consume or Deliver) from the Job Item Planning line.
  • Return to Stock
    With this action the Job Ledger entry is reversed which effectively ?returns? the items from Job Inventory to Inventory, a set of transfer entries is created which takes the costs out of the Job. When clicked a new page will open with the selected lines. Since this page in fact shows the item ledger entry the quantity cannot be adjusted. In other words the quantity shown will be reversed.
  • Correct Job Inventory
    With this action the Job Ledger is corrected which means the Item Ledger entry is reversed as a negative adjustment, no Job Ledger entry is created. This means there is no longer inventory but the costs remains in the project.

- Because the quantity of the Item Ledger entry cannot be adjusted the sequence of processing is important: First post usage before returning the remaining quantity to Inventory.
- When using tracked items the Return and Correct pages will show a line for each Lot ? or Serial number as per the item ledger entry. Each line to be reversed or corrected needs to be selected.
- For "Bin Mandatory" warehouses adjustments have to be made through the Warehouse Item Journal, next use the Item Jounal to Calculate Warehouse Adjustment.

Example for warehouse WHITE (Directed Warehouse)

  • Return 2 pcs of item 70000 from Job Inventory to Inventory:
  • Open the Warehouse Item Journal
  • Add 2 lines to the journal:
Field Value Line 1 Value Line 2
Registering Date 13-9-2021 13-9-2021
Whse. Document T05009 T05009
Job No. JOB00264
Job Task No. 100
Job Specific V
Item No. 70000 70000
Description Side Panel Side Panel
Bin Code W-03-0003 W-03-0003
Quantity -2 2
Unit of Measure PCS PCS
  • Register the Journal lines to update the warehouse entries.
    Note: The 2 items remain in the same bin in this example
  • Open the Item Journal
  • Click Calculate Warehouse Adjustment
  • The calculation retrieve2 the 2 warehouse adjustment lines:
    • Positive Adjustment adds 2 pcs 70000 to inventory
    • Negative Adjustment removes 2 pcs 70000 from job inventory
  • Post the Item Journal to correct the inventory

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