How to: Change a contract amount

The change contract amount function will allow you to change the contract amount as well as the related invoicing schedule in a controlled way. In order to use this function first make sure to add a new contract amount with a starting date into the future.

  1. Type Job Contract in the Search box and select Departments/Advanced Job Management/Job Administration to select Job Contract from the Tasks, or open Contracts from the Job card.

  2. Select the Job (set a filter) for which you want to change the contract amount.

  3. Click the Change Contract Amount in the ribbon to open Job Contract Amount Selection page.
    Note: You can only open the Job Contract Amount Selection page from a contract line for which no invoice has been created or posted (Transferred must be equal to ?No?).

  4. The Select tab will show the Last Invoiced Date as well as the available lines, select the line with which you want to update the invoicing schedule and click OK to complete the selection.
    Note: *The line also allows you to select the Reset Progress? option:

    • Selected = Reset progress %: Previous invoicing is ignored and the new contract amount (Contract Amount / Number of periods in the invoicing schedule) is distributed over the remaining periods. In this case it is assumed that the Job Contract Line amounts represents a, periodic, services fee.
    • Not selected = Do not reset progress %: Previous invoicing is recognized and the new contract amount (Contract Amount / Number of periods in the invoicing schedule) is used to complete the total contract amount, the Job is one time only. When the new contract amount is lower it means the full contract amount is completed earlier, when the new contract amount is higher the full amount is completed later (or the final term to be invoiced is larger)
  5. When selected a confirmation will be requested:
    Do you want to reset the progress for contract amount [99.999] start date dd-mm-yy end date dd-mm-yy. (yes / no) ?

  6. When not selected a confirmation will be requested:
    Do you want to change the contract amount [99.999] start date dd-mm-yy end date dd-mm-yy. (yes / no) ?

  7. Confirm the request and return to the contract lines to view the changes.
    Note: The change will be implemented in the first contract line after the starting date of the contract amount.

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