How To: Initialize a Fixed Price Contract

The initialize function on the Job creates the first version of the invoicing schedule as set in the Invoice Template Lines. The function will first initialize the Fixed Price invoice schedule for the Job and then check the Job Tasks if any of these have been set to a fixed price invoice schedule. Contract lines for these Job Tasks will be inserted after the contract lines for the Job Header. Also when adding a task later, the job is already being executed, Job Tasks with a fixed price invoicing method can be added and initialized, and the existing contract lines will not be effected.

  1. Type Jobs in the Search box and select Advanced Job Management/Jobs to open the list of Jobs.
  2. Select the Job for which you want to initialize the fixed price contract and click Edit in the ribbon to open the Job Card.
  3. Locate the Contract action in the ribbon and click to open the Contract Lines.
  4. In the Contract Lines page locate the Initialize Fixed Price Contract action and click to start it.
  5. Confirm the request page for this action which will insert new contract lines as per the invoice template schedule lines.

Tip: Select a Job Task in the Default Invoicing Job Task to automatically complete the contract lines with a Job Task No. as part of the initialisation. Alternatively select a Job Task No. manually.

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