IEM - Advanced Job Management

Job Task Card

Specifies detailed information about a job task, such as the description of the task and the type, which can be either a heading, a posting, a begin-total, an end-total, or a total. There is one card for each job task. Each card has two FastTabs with different types of information about the job task. Many of the fields in the Job Task Card window are also in the Job Task List window. You can set up a job task in either of these windows. If you set up a job task in the Job Task List window, a job task card will automatically be set up for that job task.

On the Job Task Card you can find the following IEM specific fields:

Fields Explanation
Planning Multiplier Multiplies the Quantity Per on the planning lines to determine the Quantity for the planning line.
Surcharge Model Code Select a surcharge model specific for the Job Task, if not specified the surcharge model code set on the Job applies.
Work Type Code The work type applies to the resource and determines the costs and prices specified for the resource.
Invoice Template Code The template sets the Invoicing Method specific to the Job Task, if not specified the Invoice Template Code code set on the Job applies.
Base for Invoicing Determines the date to be selected when invoices for this task are created, the options are: - Invoicing Date: as set in the Invoicing Date field; - Starting Date: the Starting Date for the Job Task.; - Ending Date: the Ending Date for the Job Task.
Bill-to Customer No. Select a Bill-to Customer for the Job Task. The Bill-to Customer has to exist in the Job Customer list. If not specified the Bill-to Customer code set on the Job applies.
Ship-to Address Select a Ship-to Address for the Job Task. The Ship-to Address has to exist in the Job Ship-to Address list. If not specified the Ship-to Address code set on the Job applies.
Blocked Transactions When checked (true) the document mentioned cannot be posted to the Job Task. The options can be switched on or off by the Job Task Lifecycle. In the Advanced Job Management Setup you can set the starting situation for the Blocked Transactions

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