IEM - Advanced Job Management

Job Items

When an Item is added to a Job a Job Item is created. The Job Item allows you to make Job Specific replenishment settings to the Item leaving the original settings intact.

From the Job Item page the following actions are available:

Action Description
Service Items Use this action to create the Job Item as a Service Item. The line is highlighted when the Job Item is part of a Service Item Group which is marked as "Create as Service Item". A Service Item can only be created from Job Specific inventory. Serial - and Lot numbers are supported in this function.
Budget Use this action to open the Job Budget Lines for the Job Item. Note that there can be multiple Job Budget Lines for an item as Job Items are only Job Specific and not Job Task specific.
Contract Use this action to open the Job Contract Lines for the Job Item.Note that this is only relevant for the Invoicing Method Time and Material or Deliveries.
Planning Use this action to open the Job Planning Lines for the Job Item.
Job Ledger Entries Use this action to open the Job Ledger Entries for the Job Item.

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