IEM - Advanced Job Management

Job Resources and Equipment

When a Resource (type Person) or Equipment (type Machine) is added to a Job a Job specific version of that record is created specific to the Job. The Job Resource or - Equipment allows you to make Job Specific setting to the entity leaving the original settings intact.

Field Description
Resource No. The Resource No..
Resource Name Copied from the resource card.
Comments Indicates if any comment lines have been added. Drill down on the field to read or maintain the comments.
Job Role Code Select a code from the Job Roles to indicate what role the resource plays in the project. See Job Roles
Job Cost Type Code Copied from the resource card. See Cost Types. The cost type is used to apply surcharges. See Surcharges
Job Purchasing Resource Indicates if the resource can be added to a purchase order. See Purchase Resource Capacity
Vendor No. Shows the Vendor No. the resource is linked to. The Vendor No. is used for "Purchasing resources or to pay-out resource expenses.

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