Job Resource Prices Window

Specifies alternative job resource prices in addition to those on the resource card. You can use filters to apply these alternative prices to a specific job, a group of jobs or to all jobs. You can also create job resource prices that apply only to specific jobs.
The window contains a line for each job resource price. When you have created a line with a resource price, this is the price that will apply to the resource for this job.
You can fill in as many alternative prices as you need.

How to: Set Up Job Resource Prices

You can set up specific prices for resources for a job. You use the Job Resource Prices window to do this.

To set up prices for resources

  1. In the Search box, enter Jobs, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the job that you want. On the Navigate tab, in the Prices group, choose Resource.
    The Job Resource Prices window opens with the job number filled in based on the record shown in the job card.
  3. Enter the Code and Type for the resource, resource group, or all resources based on which option that you are creating a price for. The description of the resource code will be copied to the Description field on the price line.
  4. Fill in the optional information for the price. For example, fill in the Job Task No., Work Type, Currency Code, Line Discount %, and Unit Cost Factor fields.
    This information will be used in the job planning lines and usage journals when this resource is entered and added to the job.
  5. Fill in the Unit Price field for the resource Code and Type you will set the price up for. This will be the unit price used in the job planning lines and job journals when this resource, a resource assigned to the resource group or any resource is entered.

Note: This price will always override any prices set up in the existing Resource Price/Resource Group Price tables.