IEM - Advanced Job Management

Completed Jobs list

The list shows all Jobs with the status Completed.

To complete a Job

In this process it is important to distinguish between the Line Status and the Status of the Job Planning line. The Line Status is an IEM specific field which allows the planner to manage the workload:

  • Open | the line needs to be reviewed or is not due yet. Open planning lines are not visible to the planning system yet.
  • Released | the line has been reviewed and can be replenished. Released planning lines will be picked up by the planning system.
  • Completed | the line is completed even when there are still remaining quantities. The quantity will be updated to the Quantity posted.
  • Blocked | the line has been reviewed but is, temporary, on hold.

The Status field is a standard Dynamics BC field which will follow the Job Status: Planning, Quote, Order, Completed and will be updated automatically.

To complete a Job all Job Tasks should reach the line status “Completed” first. Action handlers can be used in the Job Task Lifecycle to assist in this process to set the Line Status of the Job Planning Lines:

  • JobTask.CompletePurchItemLines
  • JobTask.CompleteTransItemLines
  • JobTask.CompleteResourceLines
  • JobTask.CompleteEquipmentLines
  • JobTask.CompleteExpenseLines
  • JobTask.CompleteDeliveryLines
  • Terminate.Resource.Task

When all Job Tasks have the Lifecycle state “Completed” the Job status can be changed as well. The status on the Job Planning Lines will be set to “Completed” by the system as part of the Job Completion process. When in the Job Completion process the Job status is changed to “Completed” the program will evaluate if this status can be set based on the following checks. (ChangeJobCompletionStatus, gFncCheckBeforeComplete(Rec):

Table Explanation
Job Contract Line (T11014530) Contract Line Qty. Transferred to Invoice or Qty. Invoiced <> 0
Job Planning Line T1003 Line status Completed
Item Ledger Entry T32 Job specific inventory exists
Sales Line T37 Delivery sales orders exists
Service Line T5902 Service Item Lines: Outstanding Quantity or Qty. Shipped Not Invd. <> 0.
Purchase Line T39 Purchase Lines with Outstanding Qty or Qty Rcd. Not Invoiced <> 0.
same Purchase Quote lines exist
Transfer lines T5741 Transfer from exists
same Transfer to exists
Production Order Line T5406 Order lines exist with status <> Finished
Item Journal Line T83 Item Journal Lines exist
Job Journal Line T210 Job Journal Lines exist
General Journal Line T81 General Journal Line exist
Requisition Line T246 Requisition Line exists

The user will be notified through a warning or an error based on the setting in Jobs Setup Action if error during Job Completion. You can set this to:

  • Blank | do nothing
  • Warning | a warning will be shown but the process will continue
  • Error | an error message will be shown and the process stops.

When all checks are passed the Complete Boolean on the Job Header will be set to True and all Job Planning Lines will be updated to Completed.

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