IEM -Advanced Job Management

Assembly Order Lifecycle

A specific assembly order Lifecycle has been designed to assure the assembly order is handled correctly and, for example, not posted before the time lines are posted. The workflow sets the standard document status. A specific Resource Task type has been created: "Assembly Order". This will assure that also the assembly order is integrated in the STAEDEAN Resource Management.

The Assembly Order Process

The Assembly Order process is driven by a Lifecycle. The, example, Lifecycle includes the following steps:

State Descriptiont Explanation
10-NEW New Assembly Order Initial state for the Assembly Order. From here the user can decide to either Edit or Execute the Assembly Order.
20-EDIT Edit Assembly Order In this state the Assembly Order can be edited, change quantities and/or planning parameters. Action Handler: AssemblyDoc.Reopen is used to set the status of the Assembly Order to Open and editable.
30-EXECUTE Execute Assembly Order When set to Execute the order status is changed to Released and a Resource Task is created. The Resource Task can be started and stopped from the Resource Task list, the perfect base for a shop floor time tracking system with mobile devices. To make changes to the assembly order return to the Edit state. Action Handler: AssemblyDoc.Release is used to set the status of the Assembly Order to Released and not-editable
40-POST Post Assembly Order When set to post the Lifecycle will process all material postings: components are taken from, job specific, inventory and the assembled item is added to inventory. When the assembly order is job specific, job ledger entries are created from the component postings. To make changes to the assembly order return to the Edit state. Action Handler: AssemblyDoc.Post is used to post the Assembly Order.
50-COMPLETE Complete Assembly Order When the user selects the Complete state the program will check if any time postings are pending (time input lines, time sheet lines or time lines). Only when completely posted the Complete state is allowed and the assembly order will be archived. Action Handler: AssemblyDoc.Completed is used to check for pending time postings.

See also

Assembly Order Setup
Assembly Order Resources

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