ANY Process Demo: WMS Put Away

Overall Process Flow

Overall Process Flow

The WMS Put-away process supports the put-away process in the warehouse based on a WMS Put-away document generated beforehand in Business Central from a Warehouse Receipt document.

After the selection of a WMS Put-away document the item code is entered for each item to receive. Optionally, depending on the location setup, a bin has to be put in.

Next, the quantity to put-away is entered. This quantity is added to the already handled quantity and then compared with the ordered quantity. If the quantity to put-away plus the handled quantity plus the outstanding quantity exceeds the ordered quantity, an error message will be displayed.

After accepting the input quantity, the put-away document line is updated. When the quantity to put-away plus the handled quantity is less then outstanding quantity the original put-away document line is split and an extra line is created with a quantity equal to the original outstanding quantity minus the quantity putaway. Finally, the put-away document is registered.

In case the Warehouse Receipt lot numbers are registered, the lot number is processed all the way through the put-away process. So, processing put-aways with lot numbers is supported by this pre-configured process.


Make sure you have already set up the prerequisites for this process.

Step Illustration
1. Select the Warehouse Management button in the menu and then select the WMS Put-away button in the WMS Menu. Select menu item
2. Scan or select the put-away document for the WHITE location from the list by using the Lookup. Select put-away
3. After pressing OK, the Assigned User ID is updated in the Warehouse Put-away Header in Business Central. To check this, go back to Business Central and open the warehouse put away card again. Assigned User ID
4. Enter the item code of the item to put-away Enter item code
5. Entering an invalid item code (e.g. LS-100) will return an error. Only items defined in the lines on the WMS Put-away document are valid to enter. Invalid item code
6. Use F6=Lookup to lookup the put-away lines which are not completely processed yet. For each item to be put-away only the put-away lines of action type "place" are presented; the Qty. Outstanding and the Qty. to Handle for the lines. Select the first line, FF-100. Lookup lines
7. The Bin Code is defaulted from the Warehouse Put-away document generated in Business Central. You have to enter a bin because it is mandatory for location WHITE. Enter Bin
8. Use F6=Lookup to select a bin. Note that only the Bins of the Bulk zone are allowed; the zone of the put-away line. Select the second line (W-05-0002) and confirm by pressing OK Lookup bin
9. After pressing OK, the data of the Warehouse Receipt document is update in Business Central. The Bin Code of the first "place" line should be updated. Check in BC
10. Enter the quantity of the item to handle, e.g. 45 and press OK. Observe the error message. This is the same error that pops up in Business Central. Invalid quantity
11. Enter a quantity to receive of 10 press OK. Enter valid quantity to receive.
12. The Warehouse put-away line has been updated in Business Central.
  • There are now 2 Place lines for item FF-100
    • The first Place line: Bin Code and Qty. to Handle are populated. Quantity has changed from 40 to 10.
    • The second Place line: all data is copied from the first line, but the Qty. To Handle is now set to 0, and the Quantity is filled with the original quantity minus the Qty. to Handle of the first line.
  • The Qty. to Handle of the Take line is updated as well. What actually happens, is the execution of the Split Line function in the mobile process while updating the Qty. to Handle of the Put-away document line.

Updated line in BC

13. The process is back at the Item No. Back at Item No. select
14. Use F6=Lookup to show the Warehouse Put-away lines. Notify, two lines for item FF-100 are presented with an updated Bin Code, Qty. Outstanding and Qty. to Handle Lookup lines
15. Select the second line for item FF-100 and enter another Bin Code. Select FF-100
16. Enter another bin code. Enter another bin code.
17. Enter the Qty. to Handle 30. Enter 30
18. Pressing OK will result in updating the Warehouse Put-away line data, and the process is back at the screen to enter the item code. Enter Item 80216-T. Select 80216-T
19. Accept the Lot No. that is allocated to the Put-away Line or select a different available Lot No. Enter lot no.
20. It is also possible to use the Lookup to display the available lots. Lookup lot
21. Enter or accept the bin code. Enter bin code
22. Enter 15 as Qty. to Handle Enter 15
23. The process is back at the screen to enter the item code, so enter 80102-T as item code. Select
24. Accept the Serial No. that is allocated to the Put-away Line or select a different available Serial No. Enter Serial No.
25. It is also possible to use the Lookup to display the available serial numbers. Lookup serial nos.
26. Accept the selected Serial No. Accept serial no.
27. Enter or accept the Bin Code. Enter bin code
28. The process is back at the screen to enter the item code. The system will not request the user to enter the quantity, as the Serial No. selection will automatically apply the quantity of 1. Back to item screen
29. Press the F7=Post button. This will result in a partially registered Warehouse Put-away document. The Warehouse Put-away lines in Business Central have been updated. In Business Central, note that the lines for item FF-100 are posted and deleted from the Warehouse Put-away document. There are also 4 lines left which are not fully processed yet, they are in the pre-configured process.

Put away document in BC

30. Click on the Registered Put-Aways action in the document. Open the first line by going to Related > Line > Card.

Related Registered put-away.

31. Notice the populated lines with the data processed using the mobile process.

Check registered puta away details

32. Back in the process, enter the same put away no. again. Enter put away number.
33. Now, use the F6=Lookup button to show the put-away lines which are not completely processed yet. Select the first one. Lookup items
34. In the next steps, enter the bin code and set the quantity to handle to 5. Enter quantity 5
35. Do the same for the second line; enter the Bin Code and the Qty. to Handle to 30 Enter quantity 30
36. Process the remaining 4 items of type 80102-T as well, until nothing shows in the item lookup. Empty item lookup
37. Leave the lookup screen and click on F7=POST to register the put-away. Post
38. In Business Central, the put-away document will be deleted.

No put-away in list

39. The newly registered put-away document can be found in the Registered Warehouse Put-away list page.Registered put-away list
40. The details of the put-away can be found inside the registered put-away document card.

Registered put-away card