ANY Process Demo: Inventory Pick SP

Overall Process Flow

The Inventory Pick SP process supports the pick and shipment process in the warehouse based on an inventory Pick document generated beforehand in Microsoft Dynamics BC. After the selection of an Inventory Pick document, each available line to handle is presented in a sequential way. Next, if the item is tracked the Lot and/or serial number have to be entered. Optionally, depending on the location setup, a bin has to be entered.Lastly the quantity to handle is entered. In case the quantity to handle is less than the expected quantity to pick, the line is split, creating a new line with the quantity equal to the original outstanding quantity minus the quantity to pick. Finally, the pick document is posted, which is reflected on the source document.

Overall Process Flow


The Inventory Pick SP process pressents the pick lines in a sequential order, rather than have the warehouse worker scan the items one by one. It allows the user to move back and forth the lines and handle the required lines.

1. Select the Inventory Pick SP menu button InvtPickSPStep1
2. The next screen appears. Enter the Inventory Pick number that was created, or use F6=Lookup to select it from a list. Press F4=OK to confirm InvtPickSPStep2
3. The first line available for picking is presented. You can use F8=Previous Line and F9=Next Line to move through the pick lines InvtPickSPStep3
4. Enter a bin code where the items will be stored. The suggested Bin comes from the pick line. Use F6=Lookup to view a list of bins. Continue by pressing F4=OK. Only the bins with a scanned item will be displayed. InvtPickSPStep4
5. Enter the Quantity to handle (e.g. 6, make sure it’s more than the total quantity) and press F4=OK InvtPickSPStep5
6. Now enter the total quantity (e.g. 3) and press F4=OK to confirm InvtPickSPStep6
7. The process handles the quantity you entered, and moves to the next available line InvtPickSPStep7
8. The next step asks for a Lot Number. Use F6=Lookup to select an available Lot, then confirm with F4=OK InvtPickSPStep8
9. Confirm the suggested bin code with F4=OK to go to the next step, or select a bin code via the list with F6=Lookup InvtPickSPStep9
10. The Quantity to handle can be entered in this step. Enter a Quantity that is less than the Quantity outstanding (e.g. 2). Confirm with F4=OK InvtPickSPStep10
11. By pressing OK, the Inventory Pick line has been updated in Microsoft Dynamics BC
  • Go to the menu Warehouse/Goods Handling/Order by Order/Inventory Picks and click edit on your pick
  • There are now 2 lines for item 80216
  • The first line: The Bin Code, Lot No. and the Qty. To Handle are populated. The Quantity was changed from 4 to 2
  • The second line: all data is copied from the first line, but the Qty. To handle is reset to 0, the Quantity is filled with the original quantity minus the Qty. to Handle of the first line.
  • What actually is happening is the execution of the Split Line function in the mobile process while updating the Qty. to Handle on the Pick document line.


12. Repeat steps 8-11 to handle the remainder for the second item
13. After the second line is fully handled, the process goes to the third item in the pick InvtPickSPStep12
14. The last item is serial no. tracked, thus a separate line exists for each item. Enter an available serial number or select one with F6=Lookup and continue with F4=OK InvtPickSPStep13
15. Enter the bin code in the following step, confirm again with F4=OK InvtPickSPStep14
16. Repeat steps 13-15 to update the last line
17. No quantity to handle is requested since it’s fixed on 1 with serial tracked items. The pick is updated in Microsoft Dynamics BC.
  • Go to the menu Warehouse/Goods Handling/Order by Order/Inventory Picks and open your inventory pick
  • Press edit to view the updated lines


18. If there are no more lines to handle, the following screen is presented to you. Press F7=Post to schedule the inventory pick to be posted via the job queue or F2=Menu to go back to the main menu InvtPickSPStep16
19. The process returns to the first step, while in the background the inventory pick is being posted. InvtPickStep34
20. Go to the menu Warehouse/Planning & Operations/Posted Documents/Posted Invt. Pick
