Anywhere Mobility Studio Documentation

Control Sub Type LiteralHTML Example

Embed a map


Embed Map Example


Embed Map Setup

The map requires a bit of preparation, because the example code cannot be copy/pasted from the generated code.

Code was generated from from:

    <iframe width='325' height='280' frameborder='0' src='' scrolling='no'>
    <div style='white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; width: 325px; padding: 6px 0;'>
    <a id="largeMapLink" target="_blank" href=';sty=r&amp;lvl=11&amp;FORM=MBEDLD'>View Larger Map</a>

This was reworked to get the following expression in the LiteralHtml Control for the map

"<iframe width='325' height='280' frameborder='0' src=';w=325&amp;cp="+Field("source/parameter/LATITUDE")+"~"+Field("source/parameter/LONGITUDE")+"&amp;lvl="+Field("source/parameter/ZOOM")+"&amp;typ=s&amp;sty=r&amp;src=SHELL&amp;FORM=MBEDV8' scrolling='no'></iframe>"
  • Removed encapsulating html elements (divs)
  • All double quotes were replaced with single quotes: else it wouldn't be a valid expression
  • & in the url were replaced with &amp; to allow the control to be sent to the client
  • incorporated parameters for the latitude, longitude and zoomlevel

The link to view larger map was stored in the second literalHTML control

"<a id='largeMapLink' target='_blank' href='"+Field("source/parameter/LATITUDE")+"~"+Field("source/parameter/LONGITUDE")+"&amp;sty=r&amp;lvl="+Field("source/parameter/ZOOM")+"&amp;FORM=MBEDLD'>View Larger Map</a>"

more details can be found in the download.