Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation

Determining the next step in the process

The next step

An editable control will only be shown as editable if the associated parameter has no value (there is no session parameter). The reason for this is that when the user has entered the value, there is no need to redefine the input. The framework will look for a next textbox control without a value and display that as editable on the client.

When a button of the empty type ‘’ is used the next step in the process is determined as follows: If the current control has its “Activity End” property set to “False” that means that there is another editable control in the same activity. If this control’s parameter has no value (there is no associated parameter buffer) then this activity is shown on the mobile device with the control as editable. If the control’s parameter has a value (there is an associated parameter buffer) then the next editable control without an associated session parameter is sought until there are no more editable controls in the activity.

If there are no more editable controls in the activity, so the control’s “Activity End” is set to “Yes” by the process’s release functionality, then the Framework looks in the flow to determine the next activity or process to display. The first flow line where “Code from” is the current activity and which flow condition applies will be shown on the mobile client.


In the stack every step in the process is stored with the record that was used and the table view that was applied on that record.

The stack is used to recreate the mobile screen when the process was interrupted (for example because the connection to the server was lost, or the device went out of power) or to determine what the previous step was when navigating back through the process.

When a button of type “Back” is used, by default the process will go back one step. But if a flow is defined for the activity with the back button, the process can go back several steps. This enables the user to go back to the menu in one click instead of having to go back each step until the user reaches the menu.

When navigating back all the stack lines between the current step and the target step are deleted. The session parameter records associated with the stack records are also deleted, so all parameter values that were entered in the steps between the current and the target step are lost. Usually these values will have to be processed, using a document and/or post document processor, before the process is taken back.