Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation

How user input is processed

When a button of the empty type ‘’ is clicked the Framework processes the information that is gathered in the activity. If the activity’s type is “Data grid”, then the chosen record will be stored and the next step in the process will be determined. If the activity’s type is “Card”, then potentially a record is retrieved from the database, the user input will be validated and stored in a parameter buffer, and the next step in the process is determined.

Retrieving a record from the database

If on the control “Activates Next Record” is set to Yes, then the framework will try to find a record in the database and store it to be used in the next steps of the process. It will filter the control’s table with filters supplied in the flow’s table relations, activity filters. If applicable, it will apply the control’s or activity’s alternative key. The framework will take the first record found in the resulting recordset and store it to be used in the next steps of the process.

Storing user input

User input is stored in the session parameters. The session parameters hold a relation to the stack line during which it was created or modified. The value to be stored in the session parameter can be validated by using the parameter validation. This expression can be configured to take arguments and execute validating code that generates an error if validation fails.

If a parameter has parameter lines attached, entering a value for a parameter triggers those parameter lines to be executed. An expression determines the value for the parameter lines. The value will be validated and a parameter buffer will be created to store the value in.