Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation

The first steps in the process

User authentication

When logging in the Framework, it will authenticate the mobile user.
If the user name provided is a valid mobile user and the password has been verified, the Framework looks for an existing session for the user/device combination. If there is no existing session a new session is created.

The first activity after logging in

Next the Framework will determine what the first screen to display will be. This is determined by the default menu in the setup of the framework. From that process the first activity is selected. This is the activity that is in the “Code From” column of the first line in the flow. If there is no flow to the process (as is usually the case in a menu process), the first activity in the process (according to the activity table’s primary key) will be shown.

User authorization

On every process in the menu the Framework checks if the logged in external user is authorized to use that process. It does that by checking if the external has a role that contains the process.

Released processes

Before an activity is shown the Framework checks if the related process is released. If the process is open an error is displayed in the mobile client, and the process cannot be used.