Microsoft Dynamics NAV Documentation


Whenever a user logs in to NAV Anywhere, a session is created. The session’s unique key contains the External User ID. The data stored in the user controls associated parameters and stored record IDs are specific to a session and separate from other sessions from other mobile users that may run simultaneously.

Storing this data in tables in NAV instead of part of the web session makes session state persistent. If a device resets, or a web session is lost, the session state will be preserved, and upon logging in, the application will continue where it left off.

Sessions can be managed through the Tools menu. There you’ll find the session list. With the Stack and Parameters at your disposal. When a session is deleted, the stack and parameters are also purged. This also happens when the mobile user logs out.

The following table provides links to and descriptions of the topics in this section:

To See

Learn more about session properties

Session Properties